Home Again, Home Again

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Indy took a deep breath as she walked into her home for the last few hundred years. You could almost feel the magic in the air at Emrys Manor.

They had sent the kids ahead with her mother so they could check in on their own home. It was two staircases and multiple turns before they reached the large Cherry doors that led to their suite.

Salem had run off as soon as they landed in Halloweentown. Everyone knew him and he would wonder home once he took a look around town. "I'm going to go speak to father. Are you heading to your mother's soon?" Avan asked, watching as she waved her hands returning their belonging back to walls, shelves and stands.

She nodded putting the final book back into place. She looked around, glad the cleansing spell had held out for the 100 years in Halloweentown. Not that she doubted their magic, but that was the longest they had tested a spell without renewal.

"Yes." She spoke as she turned to face her husband. "What?" Avan asked putting his family rings and different magic conduits back in their proper spots on his person. She smiled walking up to him to help put his pocket watch through his vest.

"It's just...I missed you." She said kissing him. "I missed home." She went on to explain. "You know how much it means to me that you went to the human world with me for a year." She hushed him as he went to speak. "I know you didn't even hesitate to go."

Running her hand along the side of his face she thanked whatever deity was out there for bringing her Avan Emrys. "I don't know. Just seeing you back to the real you in our home has made me realize how much I missed it."

He pulled her closer laying her head against his chest, kissing the crown of her head. "Every time I think I can't possibly love you more." He murmured into her hair. She sniffled and pushed back, no matter how she didn't want to.

"Sorry, Darling, it seems being home has made me emotional." He smirked at her words. "Indy, we've been married hundreds of years. I know once a year you get emotional." She gasped, swatting at the man. "You just had to ruin the moment!" She chuckled.

"Go see your father! I have to get to mother's and figure out what's going on around here." Leading the way out of their room she still clearly heard her husband's words as she started down the first halls. "I'll make sure the fill the pantry with chocolate." He called.

She waved off his joke. Though, she kind of hoped he would follow through with that idea. The man truly knew her too well, she thought with a loving sigh. One of the perks and often an issue of being a witch was that while practicing magic you only were able to conceive children once a year for 5000 years.

Her own mother had been lucky by having she and her sister only 200 years apart. In the human realm that made them look about 2 years apart. The average conversion was 100 years of their realm to one of the humans. They believed it to be a way the universe kept the population of a species that lived so long in control.

Grabbing her broom from the cloak room nearest the door she headed out to fly to her mother's a few streets down. The flight only took a few moments. She smiled happily seeing the gates open and her mother's house looking just as she remember it.

Walking up to the door she smiled as it opened itself recognizing her as a Cromwell. "Mom?!" She called searching for her mother and the children. "In here, dear." Her mom called from the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen she saw the kids still marveling over everything. "Now what are we going to do with you three?" She asked playfully. "Aunt Indy! You and mom really grew up here?" Marnie asked in awe. "We sure did, kiddo. If you think this is unbelievable I'll have to take you to my house sometime." She said with a wink.

"Now, we let you kids come with us since you had already seen so much. But we do have to consider how your mom will feel if she finds you missing." Indy said worriedly. "Can't you just call her?" Dylan asked in his usual practical manner.

"No, no, dear, I'm afraid we haven't worked out long-distance calling between worlds yet." Her mom explained. "No, I'll have to take you home myself."

"But you can't take us home!" Marnie cried out. "Yeah, We want to help you fight the bad thing!" Sophie exclaimed. "Yeah, the bad thing or the force field. Whatever it is, You said you needed another Cromwell witch. That could be me, You can train me!" Marnie was almost begging now.

Indy saw surprised by this new information. "Mom? What's going on around here?" She asked worried.  "Something dark is hiding in the shadows of Halloweentown. I didn't want to add to your burden, Lucinda. I thought Gwen could pop in and help me with it and we would get to see the kids. But I'm going to need your help now."

"Oh, don't look so glum, Marnie! Of course I'll train you. Just leave the fighting to your aunt and I, Alright?" After getting agreement from the teen she continued.

"I suppose it would be all right if you could stay a little while.  As long as we get you home before it's midnight in the Mortal World." Her mom said looking to her for agreement.

"But that's only two hours from now." Marnie said shocked.

"Don't panic, dear, You see, time works differently in Halloweentown.Two hours there might be two days here, or two weeks, if we're on vacation." Indy explained, calming the girl.

"What's this, Grandma?" Sophie asked from the next room. Hurrying to see what she found the two witches smiled. "Ah, you've discovered the witches' glass. It's been handed down through the Cromwell clan over many generations. I've been using it to keep my eye on things." Never could get away with anything with her mom witches glass.

"Now the glass shows me that some evil force is at work here in Halloweentown." Her mom explained as she waved calling the magic of the glass forward. Indy felt sick seeing the dark figure with a horrifying laugh.

"The worst is yet to come." Indy whispered seeing as her mother did the possible outcome. "What can we do to stop it?" Marnie asked, a true Cromwell.

"I'll show you. Follow me."

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