Chapter twenty two - The plan.

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The three of them glance out the front car window- Evan peeking his head between Bucky and Amelia to do so. They all stared at the immaculate building, Evan was pretty sure it was the tallest building he ever saw, it was like a beanstalk. He lets out a shaky breath, he knew there would be some alpine steps to walk up in there and he couldn't even walk up his own stairs, never mind the huge staircases they would have to walk up in that giant building.

Amelia didn't know what to say. Finally, they would save Steve. But she didn't know what to do now. They made a plan, but her mind completely got rid of it once she saw the building that was towering over the chalky car park that Evan's car was parked on.

Breaking the stressful silence that had fell upon the three, Evan claps his hands together, trying to be positive in a bad situation, "Well, it's not that scary-lookin."

"It's huge," Amelia reply's, looking at the building with disbelieving.

"It's not the biggest in the city." Bucky comments.

"There must be a thousand of HYDRA agents in there."

"Will you stop being so negative?" Evan says and gives her a look. Amelia furrows her eyebrows.

"Sorry, wasn't I meant to mention the fact that there are thousands of people in there that want our heads on spikes?"

"That negative attitude won't get you anywhere." Evan tuts, crossing his arms. However, Bucky notices something and shushes them immediately.

"I see someone."

Evan leans forward to have a good view. The three were observing the entrance to see how they would get in. Eventually, Bucky spotted someone walking in. They held their card up to a card reader until it flashed green, then the doors opened and they continued to walk in. Evan sighed with annoyance.

"Great, we need a specific key-card to get in."

"Actually, I have an idea..." Amelia begins and lets out a smile, turning to face Bucky, "Remember season three of Sherlock?"

"Yes, but I'm not entirely sure what you're implying."

Amelia resists herself from rolling her eyes, and then turns her body around in an angle where she could see Bucky and Evan, "Pass me your key-card from your work."


"Just pass it."

Evan digs his pulpy hands into his jean pockets, fishing out his wallet. Once he reaches it he opens up his wallet and searches for his key-card, finding it and giving it to Amelia. Amelia grasps onto the card and shows it in Bucky and Evan's view. 

"If I were to use this card now, on that door, what would happen?"

"You would be dragged away by security and be beaten half to death."

"Yeah, thanks Evan for that lovey image." Amelia remarks sarcastically, shaking her head. She then picks up her phone and holds it up in her other hand, "But what about if I do this? You can't keep your phone by your card for too long as it corrupts the magnetic strip. The card stops working. Then what?"

Bucky nods his head slightly and smiles, understanding what she was on about now. 

"Well, I mean- It still wouldn't work." Evan replies, staring at her inattentively.

"But it doesn't read the wrong card."

"But security will still come to see what all the fuss is about." Evan states, and Bucky looks at Amelia, knowing Evan was right.

"Shit, that's true. I haven't gotten that far yet."

"I could knock them unconscious and steal their card when they come? If you use that card after you currupted the magnetic strip, then they won't see it coming. They wouldn't know someone is trying to break in, only that someone's card is faulty."

Evan shrugs and looks at Amelia, "That works for me."

"Okay then, so that's the plan?"

Evan raises he brow, "Hang on- what about CCTV?"

"We told you what you had to do earlier." Amelia answers.

"No, I mean won't there be CCTV watching the entrance of the door?"

"We could also come back later, maybe in the mean time we could find some formal clothes to wear? If I remember correctly, the security camera only faces the side of your face, we could easily turn and look the other way casually."

"When did you start becoming all smart?" Evan asks, ruffling Bucky's hair. Bucky gives him a look of annoyance.

"Whoever said I was stupid?"

"You didn't say much smart things."

Bucky turns to face Evan, giving him a blank, emotionless look, "I'm a ninety six year old soviet master assassin, with at least two dozen confirmed political kills and could kill you with the smallest finger on this bothersome, bionic arm. Do not underestimate me."

Evan's cheek's flush with embarrassment as his eyes go wide slightly. He stares at Bucky like a scared puppy, then let's out a shaky, nervous chuckle and looks at Amelia, "...Isn't he cute?"

Amelia exhales and quickly starts the car, ignoring Evan's comment. She looks at the rear-view mirror and begins to back the car up until she got out of their parking space, looking at the map on her phone for any directions to shops that sell formal clothes, "I'm not even going to get involved."

Rebirth - A Bucky Barnes Fanfiction.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora