Chapter fifteen - Caught.

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The next morning Bucky's eyes flutter open and the familiar sent of vanilla fills his nose once again.

His stretches out his arms, and his metal arm makes a noise of recalibrating when he lifts it to his face to rub his eyes. He closes his eyes again and relax's, still tried. He immediately thought about Amelia and their recent events yesterday. Should he say something to her today? Or should he just ignore what happened? Why was he over thinking everything?

He didn't fully wake up until he heard the noise of a car pulling up onto the car park outside.

Bucky yawns, finally getting up off the sofa and beginning to walk into the kitchen. He glanced over out the window and nearly walked straight past it, but then he noticed a familiar uniform.

He saw two men step out of a car and slowly make their way to Amelia's apartment.

Bucky widens his eyes and rushed into the kitchen, being careful not to get caught in case there was any more of them outside. He peeked his eyes above the window in the kitchen, the one he had climbed through the night he first met Amelia, and saw loads of men in bullet proof vests, helmets and guns make their way to the back of the building.

"Shit." Bucky muttered, completely forgetting everything and running upstairs. He opened Amelia's bedroom door with such force that it nearly woke Amelia up itself. 

"Amelia." Bucky shook her gently, trying to get her to wake up. She turned to her side and hid under her blanket in annoyance, not ready to be awaken just yet. Bucky grabbed the blanket and pulled it off her, leaving her in just a white top and pajamas shorts. She groaned, already cold as the cold air hit her skin. 

"Piss off." She mumbled. Bucky started moving around her bedroom frantically, grabbing a bag and filling it with whatever he could find for Amelia. He didn't need to pack anything for himself, he just wanted to make sure Amelia had anything. She was going to be in trouble because of him, and now she needed to leave.

"Get up." He ordered, opening her wardrobe and and grabbing a hand full of clothes of the rack. Amelia sat up, her hair messy and her eyes tired.


"They're here."

"Who's here?"

Three knocks on the door grabbed their attention and made the apartment go quiet. Amelia's eyes widen, and she stares at Bucky with shock.

"They're here?!"

"Yes, now," He looks around the room until his eyes fell onto a set of draws, then he chucked the small rucksack towards Amelia, "Bras, underwear, girly stuff, whatever you need and be quick." 

"Okay." Amelia exhales, swinging her feet out of bed and opening her draw, grabbing some bras and underwear and chucking it into her bag, "Why am I packing clothes? Shouldn't we be getting weapons to defend ourselves or something?" She questioned, walking past Bucky as he put on a pair of jeans. She managed to put at least three more extra shirts in the bag for Bucky. She knew he would be needing extra clothes too.

"Do you happen to have any pistols or daggers with you?"


"Well then, shut up and pack clothes." 

Amelia pulls a face and rolls her eyes slightly, zipping her bag shut and grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans out of her wardrobe. The door knocks again and they ignore it, continuing to do what they were doing. Bucky turned out of respect as she put her jeans on, and she quickly slipped off her shorts and pulled her jeans on quickly.

"Well, I have knives." She started. Bucky turned around to face her again, "Shall I quickly go downstairs to get some?"

"POLICE," They heard someone yell through the letter box, "OPEN UP OR WE WILL COME IN BY FORCE."

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