Chapter eight - Government Officers.

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A couple days later Amelia finally got Bucky to teach her some fighting moves. They had pulled her bed to the side of the wall and used the center of her room for the lesson. They were both wearing sweatpants while Amelia was wearing a blue baggy top and Bucky was wearing a white top. 

They had been fighting for at least half an hour now. Bucky was trying to teach her how to block. She already knew this, but it was important to learn new skills and to practice her reflexes. Bucky raises his arm to her and she pushes it down, then goes to swing a punch at Bucky. Instead, Bucky grabs both her hands with his and kicks the back of her knee, causing her to fall on the floor. She groans and Bucky stands over her, smirking. She opens her eyes and looks up to him with an annoyed facial expression.

"'Oh don't worry, I'll go easy on you.'" She mocks his words.

"That was me going easy on you."

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you but we're not all super human."

"Sorry. But you did block a few of my kicks and punches so if you were to fighting a 'non-super human'," He quotes, "You would be pretty good. Want to try it again?"

"I think I'm going to have a ten minute break." She decides, not feeling like being knocked onto the floor again for the tenth time. Bucky holds out his hand and she grabs it, letting him help her up. As soon as she was the door bell goes off. She turns to face the bedroom door and furrows her eyebrows.

"Expecting company?" Bucky asks. Amelia shakes her head no. She hadn't gotten company in ages.

"Wait here." She tells him, going out the room and approaching the front door. Bucky leaves the room anyway and hides behind wall above the stairs, listening to who could be at the door. Amelia opens it, peeking her eyes through the gap. She see's two men in uniform and widens her eyes, opening the door wider.

"Uh, morning officers!" She says loudly, hoping Bucky would hear. Bucky does so and looks at her other rooms, trying to see where he could hide. He quietly goes into Amelia's room and hides in her wardrobe. Hopefully no one would think he would hide in there- that they would think he would hide somewhere smarter.

"May we come in and ask you a few questions?" One with a mustache says. She nods and opens the door wider, allowing the two men to come in. They sit down on her couch and Amelia's heart thumps against her rib cage. 

"Anyone want a drink?"

"No, were fine, ma'am." The same one replies. She nods again and sits on the other couch awkwardly, waiting for them to ask the first question. The other man opens a file.

"Hello, sorry to bother you. I'm officer Robert and this is my partner Officer Price. We received a phone call recently from someone who lives near by that you were spotted with this man," He pulls out the same picture that was shown on the news of Bucky out of the file, "Is this true?"

Amelia shakes her head, "No. The only time I've seen him was on the news a couple of days ago."

"Are you sure?" He asks again, trying to be nice, "He could seem nice but he is highly dangerous. Is he blackmailing you or threatening you not to tell no one? We can help."

"No." She repeats. "I just said I haven't seen him."

"Well we've had reports that you were spotted with a man like him," Officer Price starts, "What males do you see that look like him? Maybe thats why someone was confused that you were spotted with the same man?"

Amelia furrows her eyebrows, "Who are you with again?"

"The Government, ma'am."

"The Government," She repeats, disbelievingly, "See I've heard HYDRA had taken over SHIELD so who's to say they haven't done that with the Police or the Government? Why are you looking for this man?"

"I can assure you we're not HYDRA, ma'am," Officer Price grits his teeth, "And we ask the questions."

"I'm sorry my partner seems rude, what he meant to say is can you please answer his question?" Officer Roberts asks. Amelia didn't believe these men were Government Officers. She sighs.

"My best friend is a male, and I also have a fiance." she replies nervously. She didn't tell them that she had a husband like planned because could they somehow find a way to see her personal life like they do in movies? Could they tell she's lying? That she hasn't gotten married? 

"Thank you for that information, Ma'am." Officer Prices smiles fakely, "May I use your toilet?"

"Of course. It's the first door you see." Amelia puts on a fake smile too, not wanting them to think she was hiding anything. Oh god, Bucky. You better be hiding somewhere.

"Thank you." He stands up and goes up stairs, leaving Amelia with Officer Roberts.

"So, where is your fiance?"

"He's seeing his mother." She replies, although she was too nervous thinking about Officer Price upstairs finding Bucky.

Bucky hears footsteps come in Amelia's room. He knew it wasn't Amelia because she would of spoke by now. The smell of a familiar aftershave filled his noise as he realises these men are from HYDRA. He try's make his breathing quieter, knowing that his breathing were echoing slightly in the wardrobe. 

He peeks his eye out the crack of the wardrobe and see's the man walk past him and looks at the window. He stands there was a few seconds, before walking out and looking into another room. Bucky closes his eyes and lets out a quiet sigh of relief. He hears the men exit the other room and walks into the bathroom and flushes the toilet before leaving to go downstairs.

Amelia hears the toilet flush from downstairs then see's Officer Price walk through the living room door.

"Thanks for letting me use your toilet ma'am. Are you done here, Officer Roberts?"

"Yes." He answers, standing up. Amelia stands up two and shakes both of their hands as they hold their hands out for her.

"Thank you for your time. If you do see this man then please don't hesitate to get in contact with us." Officer Roberts hands Amelia his card. She smiles.

"Will do. Thank you for warning me about how dangerous this man is."

"No problem!" He smiles, walking out the front door with Officer Price, "Bye!"

"Bye." She waves slightly. Once the front door was closed and they got into their car, she looked out the window and waited for them to leave her sight before quickly rushing upstairs and looking for Bucky.

"Bucky?" She called, looking around her room. She hears a creak and turns around, seeing him stepping out of her wardrobe. She sighs.

"Jesus." She muttered, her heart beat slowing down to its normal pace, "I just got questioned by the Government."

"No, they were members of HYDRA."

She knew it! She knew something was up, "How do you know?"

"One came into here. I recognized him."

"That little shit!" She snaps, "So he didn't use my toilet? He walked around my room?! God, he didn't look through my underwear draw did he?!"

Bucky stares at her strangely. This man could have found him and instead she's panicking about her underwear draw. Bucky shakes his head no.

"Oh, thank god." She mumbles. She takes a deep breath and calms down, meeting her eyes with Bucky's. After five seconds of staring at each other, Amelia couldn't help but to smirk and laugh, and Bucky couldn't help but to smile and chuckle at her either.

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