"He was last seen at Dew's club where he used to work as a waiter,And her mom lived in his house"

"But then they suddenly disappeared, No one knows where they are now,But we will find them very soon"

"I've sent you a picture of them on Insta... check it out..." Detective said

"Hmmm" forth hmmmed and hug up the call

He opened his insta for picture

His eyes widened to see the picture

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

His eyes widened to see the picture

"B..... beam" forth mumbled in surprised voice

Forth felt as someone has throw atom bomb on his head

His heartbeat and breaths suddenly became very fast

He felt as if everything was moving around him

He was about to fall down, but he held the wall tightly

"What happened forth??" Mrs David immediately grabbed forth's hand and asked in worried voice

"Ph...Pha.... I need to talk to Pha...." forth said and ran towards ICU

He ran to ICU, but stopped to see Pha's father there with Pha

Lam , Park and korn were standing with Wayo

"Pha Please tell me everything" Mr Kongthanin (Pha's father) sat next to pha and said in slow voice

Pha didn't answer him,it seemed like he was lost in deep thoughts

"Please Pha tell me na ,what happened, whatever you tell me I will trust you " Mr Kongthanin looked at pha with worried eyes

Their relationship was more like friends than father and son

They were very close to each other

Pha used to tell his father everything from ordinary things to his private love life

But today he was sitting silently

Mr Kongthanin heart was trembling to see his son who was silently sitting and was hurting himself

"Pha please for God sake tell me what happened to you?" Mr Kongthanin

Mr Kongthanin looked at Pha hand,Pha was constantly pinching his hand ,his hand had turned into red

Red drops of blood had appeared on his hand's peel off skin

Mr Kongthanin tightly grabbed his hand and tried to stop him

Pha tried to free his hand but Mr Kongthanin also grabbed his second hand

"Pha don't do this please" Mr Kongthanin said in trembling voice

"Pa" pha looked up at his father and said in broken voice , his eyes were swollen and full of tears

After a long time it was the first word that came out of Pha mouth

"I am listening you Pha, tell me what happened?"Mr Kongthanin looked at pha face

"Pleaseee forgive.... hic.... forgive me Pa" pha started crying loudly

"What happened?" Mr Kongthanin asked in worried voice

"No no, Don't forgive me.... hic... ,Please punish me" Pha

"I have committed.... hic.... a very shameful sin,i am ...hic... a very bad person...hic..." Pha was crying and sobbing

"No you are not bad , you are my good boy, please don't cry" Mr Kongthanin tried to comfort him

"B....... beam is .....hic... our baby prince" Pha said in heavy voice

"What!! What are you saying" Mr Kongthanin eyes became widen

Everyone started looking at Pha with surprised faces

"Yup he is ...hic.... our Baby Prince....hic... He is my baby brother " Pha

"I.... hic..... I ......have tried to rape my own younger .....hic....brother" Pha

"WH.... WHAT !!" Mr Kongthanin looked at pha and said is terrified voice

"Please forgive.....hic.... forgive me "Pha

"Mr Kongthanin" Before Mr Kongthanin could say anything,A doctor's voice came from behind

Mr Kongthanin looked back , there was a doctor and nurse behind him

Mr Kongthanin's heart started throbbing very fast, he was not ready to hear any bad news

He thought what a happy day it would be when his son was found, they would celebrate it with the whole world.

He would treat him like a prince and do everything to make him happy

But look at the game of luck .Today his son was found, but in what a bad condition.

There was mourning everywhere at the place of celebration

He had lost his son once but didn't want to lose him again

"What happened doctor ??? Is Bea.... Beam okay?" Mr Kongthanin asked in scared voice

"Congratulation, Patient's body started responding on our treatment...Now we can save his life"doctor said with slight smile

Mr Kongthanin looked up at the roof and took a breath of relief, A tear came out from the corner of his eye and fell down on the floor

"Th... thank you doctor, Thank you so much" Mr Kongthanin's voice was shaking because of happiness

Forth sit down on the floor and hugged his legs with both hands,he put his head on knees ,Tears started falling down from his eyes ,but it were tears of happiness

"Th thank you so much God..." forth tightened hug on legs and mumbled with tears and sobs


Love is Pain (Forth&Beam)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang