Weapon X

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"Hmph the clone is doing better than her mother" Henry watched XY through the glass slicing through a bag filed with flower with her bone claws she grunted after getting hit from behind with a bag filled with flower "Get up XY you don't get to rest just yet" The 14 year old panted as she wiped some of the mud from her face getting up from the ground Henry grabbed his walkie "Make her use her weather power's I want to seem them at there full extent" the guard grabbed the walkie "Affirmative sir" the guard looked at XY who sliced to bags with her two set of foot claws on each foot "XY this time use your weather power's Now" She retracted her bone claws in her knuckles and foot looking at one of the guards holding back a wolf with a leash, generating electricity into her hands she fired at the Wolf killing it without hesitation. Henry smiled as he pressed the button on his radio "Bring in more for the animal"

Sarah was walking towards her room as Laura followed behind her wearing a black leather training suit "Shoot where did I put that paper at I could have sworn it was-" a female scientist rushed into her room breathing heavily Sarah turned around looking at her "Emma? What's wrong" she panted heavily trying to catch her breath she looked at Laura then back at Sarah "S-Sarah...y-you...h-have to...hurry" Sarah grabbed a pencil off from the counter "What's happening tell me what's going on" She took a deep breathe trying to calm down "I-Its your granddaughter they're working XY endlessly"

XY panted heavily as electricity surrounded her body one of the guards stepped over one of the wolf's corpses "What do you want her to do now sir" adjusting his glasses Henry stared at the ceiling trying to think several things for her to do until he sighed hearing 2 pairs of footsteps walking into his room "Henry I specifically said XY needs rest" he rubbed his beard then turned around walking past Sarah "Hmm so it would seem you can have your animal back I'm finished with her" he jumped slightly seeing Laura walking slowly towards her mother "And it would seem your other animal is following you as well" Sarah sighed watching the guards escort XY back inside the facility "Keep walking clone only for today you get a break" XY didn't say anything she kept walking until she looked up seeing her grandmother and mother walking towards her "I got her you all can return to your duty" the guards nodded before turning around heading back outside "Are you alright XY" She shook her head "No...they worked me to death" she moved the white streak of hair away from her face as she glared at her grandmother then looked at her mother "Did they work you to or were you following orders like always...Mother" Laura looked down seeing the blood from XY'S knuckles Sarah put her hand on her shoulder "Don't put it on Laura now let's go" she crossed her arms following her grandmother "To what our cells" Sarah sighed "For a brief moment tomorrow I got a plan to escape"


Canada Woods

"The hell do you mean I have a daughter Logan" Tray sat his beer down on the ground, Logan took a bite out of the cooker deer meat "You heard what I said and you better get ready soon so we can break them out"



XY sat on her bed resting until she was needed again a smile slowly grew on her face thinking about her Laura and Sarah finally get to be freed from the facility. Her eyes widened when she heard her door open clenching her fist recognising a familiar scent "Aww look at you sweety did they work you too hard" Kimura smiled at Sarah as she walked towards her Henry stood by "It seems you were backtalking to one of the guards outside and destroyed our generators on purpose XY...and for that you will be punished" She glared at Henry then at Kimura "Don't touch m-" Kimura slapped XY across the face making her fall out of her bed Kimura shook her head looking at XY "Other than X-23 or I should say your mother you got more guts than her. She obeys whenever we tell her something like a dog but with you your stubborn" Rubbing the keft side of her cheek XY tried to get up but coughed up blood when Kimura kicked her in the stomach "And you should know that a weapon shouldn't refuse orders they take it...Do..you..under..Stand" she kicked XY repeatedly causing her to scream in pain Henry adjusted his glasses "Ok Kimura I think she gets the message now" Kimura smirked looking down seeing XY'S bone claws and foot claws "Good that's what I like...and just for talking back to me" She stomped on her bone claws on her left hand then stomped on two of her foot claws on her right foot causing her to scream even louder. Kimura smiled winking at XY "Bye sweety" She walked past Henry heading down the hall, he closed the door behind walking towards his office leaving XY in her cell to heal staying on the floor she wiped the tears rolling down her cheek "B-Bitch"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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