Most Likely To

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Chapter 4

Alex POV

We were mic'd up waiting for us to come back from commercial.

"Alright, Ellen you're on in 15 seconds." One of the stage crew members said and she rushed out.

"Girls just be yourselves and have fun," Dad said and then walked out with her.

"Alright guys we are back and we have Nick Jonas," She said and everyone cheered. "He isn't the only Jonas in the house. Give it up for his 2 daughters Alex and Hadley!" She said then Hadley and I walked out waving with giant smiles on our faces. "Hi girls." She said

"Hi." We said at the same time and she handed us whiteboards and markers.

"Your dad talks about you girls all the time." She said

"I mean who wouldn't," I said and everyone laughed.

"She definitely has your confidence." She said. "So we gave you girls a whiteboard to do the most likely to challenge." She said and I sat up straight on the couch.

"What does the winner get?" Hadley said and everyone laughed again.

"Hadz this isn't a game you can win." Dad said and she made an 'O' shape with her mouth.

"Ignore that." She said.

"Who's most likely to finish school first?" She said and I wrote Hadley and Hadley wrote me.

"No Hadley it's definitely you finish first you have easier work than me. I'm in middle school." I said and she shook her head.

"Multiplying fractions are so hard." She said and everyone laughed.

"Who's most likely to watch one of your dad's shows or movies." That one easy definitely me. Hadley and I had the same answer.

"Tell them what your favorite show of all time is?" Dad said.

"Jonas brother. But only season 2. And the episode where he writes the song for Maisy is my all-time favorite." I said and everyone in the audience awed. "You should sing it, dad," I asked and just shook his head and I shrugged my shoulder

"Okay, guys this is the last one. Who's most likely to bother dad while he's writing music." Another easy one it was Hadley. I looked at Hadley's board and she wrote her own name.

"She needs constant attention," I said

"It's true." She agreed and everyone laughed some more.

"Well, let's see your dad sing his new song Jealous by Nick Jonas everybody." SHe said and dad went to the stage and started singing. This was so much fun.

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