Eden and the Last Day of School

Start from the beginning

"Okay, maybe they're a little lame."

"Yeah, a little."

"Hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Eddie inquires. "I start my training." Richie responds.

"Wait, what training?" Eddie eyes him confusedly. "Street Fighter."

"Is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?"

"Beats spending it inside of your mother." Richie turns back to stan, holding up his hand, yet the boy only pushes it down.

"What if we go to the quarry?" He suggests. "Ooh. Eden, you should come. I bet you'd look good in—"

Stanley slaps his arm. "Ow!" He whines. "Guys, we have the B-B-B-Barrens." Bill reminds. "Right." Stanley nods.

The group becomes oddly silent for a moment, before Eddie speaks up. "Betty Ripsom's mom."

"Is she really expecting to see her come out of that school?" Stanley asks. "I don't know. As if Betty Ripsom's been hiding in Home Ec. for the last few weeks." Eddie says.

"You think they'll actually find her?" Eden cuts in. "Sure. In a ditch. All decomposed, covered in worms and maggots. Smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear." Richie comments.

"Shut up! That's freaking disgusting." The disgusted boy replies. "She's not dead. She's m-m-m-missing." Billy corrects.

"Sorry, Bill. She's missing." Richie sighs, adjusting his large glasses once more. "Hey, I'll come too, if you want. I'd be glad to help you find your brother." Eden smiles.

"Yeah. Thanks, Eden." Bill beams back at her. "Don't expect me to get in the water, though. If I get even one drop onto my clothes, my mom's gonna flip."

"You know the Barrens aren't that bad." Richie states as they begin walking. "Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?"

As soon as he says that, Henry pulls him back by his bag, causing him to fall into Stanley and Eden.

They both crash over onto the grass. "Nice Frisbee, Flamer." Patrick smirks, raising Stanley's kippah. "Hey, give it back!"

"Give it back, asshole." Eden speaks up. Patrick laughs, throwing it into a passing bus. "Fucking losers!"

"Stan, are you okay?" Eden asks, helping him up. "Yeah, I'm fine." He sighs, angrily glaring at the bullies.

"You s-s-s-s-suck, Bowers!" Bill yells. "Shut up, Bill." Eddie whispers. Henry slowly turns around. "You s-s-s-say something, B-B-B-Billy? You got a free ride this year 'cause of your little brother. Ride's over, Denbrough." He walks up to him, now towering over the boy.

"Leave it, Henry." Eden speaks up, parting from Stanley to stand beside Bill. "Don't you have better things to do?" She crosses her arms.

"Yeah, you." He says, causing his friends to laugh. "You think you're funny, but your friends should see how you act when they're not around." Eden glares at him.

Henry sighs. "Better watch what you say next time your family invites us over, Moore." He threatens, before looking bcak to Bill.

"This summer's gonna be a hurt train for you and your faggot friends." He licks his palm, then swipes it down Bill's cheek.

"Thanks, Eden." Bill looks over to her. "Sure thing." She smiles. "I wish he'd go missing." Richie says. "He's probably the one doing it." Eddie responds.

"Stan, one day, you're gonna get us both in trouble." Eden chuckles as the two walk beside each other.

For the past month, Stanley has been walking Eden all the way from school to the donut shop, where they would then part ways.

"Derry's Donuts. Isn't even that close to your house. Relax." He nudges her side. "Yeah, but Stell said that he saw my dad's car drive by here once." She responds.

"Yeah, once."

"Okay, fine. I guess, I'm just paranoid, you know? If my parents see us together—"

"They'll Kill us. I know. But is it wrong of me to Wanna hang out with my best friend?" Stanley grins.

"Aww. I'm your best friend?" Her lips form a smile. "Well, if you remembered, I'm friends with Bill, Richie, and Eddie. So, I'm pretty sure you're my favorite."

She chuckles, then stops as they arrive at the donut shop. "Well, thanks for coming with me— as always." She thanks.

"Hey, if it means free donuts next time I see you, I'm always up for it." He jokes. She playfully rolls her eyes, before hugging him goodbye.

She cheerfully makes her way into the shop, running up to Stellen. "Stell! It's summer break!" She excitedly squeals.

"Awesome! Does this mean you get to hang with me more?" He asks hopefully. "Hell yeah, it does." She exclaims, high fiving the boy.

"So, I read this book yesterday—"

"Gross, you read?" Eden asks, taking a donut from the tray and having a large bite from it. "Dennie, you already know this." He says, unamused.

"Yeah. It shocks me every time." She laughs. "Eden, I swear to g—"

"Okay, okay! Just tell me about the book." She laughs. "Okay, So, basically, there was this girl, and then there was this other girl, and they basically became friends with another girl." He says, causing her to send him a confused expression.

"Dude, That sounds like such a great book." She responds. "Really? I wrote it myself. It's called 'Eden, you didn't even listen to a word I said.'"

"Hey! I listen when you go on about books." She lightly slaps his arm. "No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No. You don't."

"Uh, yes, I d— you know what? Who am I kidding? No I don't." She admits. "Plus, who reads?"

"Actually, a lot of people. Without reading, you couldn't be in school." Stellen responds. "Yeah, Yeah, smartass. Save some intelligence for the rest of us." She jokes.

authors note
Netflix (Canada) thought
they was being slick by
removing IT, by jokes on them,
cause I've got a VPN. so Netflix
can suck it.

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