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"Cris asked you out?" Cate asked, taking her eyes off her phone, a playful smile on her lips.

"You know I hate that I can't tell you anything without you already finding it out." I mean, it was annoying, like I wanted to tell her, all of them, but she alwayss e D's up finding out first.

"Welll, why'd you say no?"

Cate was sort of infamous, she was like the ‘cool girl’. She liked to play around, nothing serious, I mean I've never met someone who owned up the term slut.

"Layla and Pari are busy today apparently." The brunette pouted, "Baby you wanna go to the cafe?"

You know, I don't think my heart will ever stop beating out of my chest every time this woman calls me baby.

"Oh I ain't hungry."

"Fuck bitch, you though I was asking?" After phrasing that in an almost scandalized time she pulled my hand as we made a beeline to her bike.

"Well? You too nice to get on a sluts bike."

"You're ordering the peppermint white chocolate mocha, by the way, it is to starve for."

I immediately googled how many calories there are in a Peppermint white chocolate mocha.
What the fuck, that's.... not... what.
I can't have that.

"What the fuck." I accidentally verbalised my thoughts.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing."

I don't think so, sister. What is Cate seeing, I scanned the area-

What. The. Fuck.

"Am... am I going blind or are Pari and Layla kissing."

"I think we're both going blind, coz like I mean, Paris gay, I know that, but Layla? Layla Marvello is gay?"

We both stared at them, the aforementioned kiss was just Layla kissing Pari on the cheeks, but Pari was blusinv and acting all shy which is not something she normally does.

"Maybe, babe, we're just jumping to conclusions." Cate stared at me, and I didn't even know how to reply because honestly I wasn't aware on how to react in such a situation. I wasn't exactly wired for this shit.

And neither was Cate.

The next thing I know, for the second time today Cate is pulling me somewhere I had no interest in going.

"Helloo darlings, how dare you hang out without us on a Friday." Going from 1 to 100 realll quick.

The both of them froze, like they caught in middle of something, which they most probably were.

"Why, you wanna join us on out third date?" Pari very confidently stated while Layla blushed, her ears turning pink and eventually red.

Oh my God.

Forgotten was the Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha that had 560 calories.

"Yeah, you could've told us, you know." Cate very calmly stated, trying very hard to not smile like an idiot (me) and be angry.

Pari stared at Layla and grabbed her hand under the table, very clearly visible to both of us and stated, "Layla was scared to come out, so I thought we'd wait until she was comfortable enough."

That is so adorable oh my God, why the fuck am I so happy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

"Well as punishment, why don't you be a dear and but us both some drinks."

the fat girlWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt