Chapter 12|| "Get your hands off me"

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Hey guys! I hope u all are safe and washing your hands!! 🤍🖤    Thank u all soooo much for reading!

Y/N walked to her next class with a tired slump. She couldn't even focus enough to watch where she was going in the hall, causing her to bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry I was tired and wasn't watching where I was go-"

"Just don't do it again or something will happen... Y/N" a cold voice cut her off. She looked down to see the schools most popular boy, Jung Wooyoung. She hasn't seen him in awhile, but for the most part she was scared of him.

He was always skipping classes to go on the roof and smoke with his friends. If someone ever caught him he would find some way out of it, or they were just to scared to say anything about it, fearing what would happen to them if they did. Wooyoung also was supposedly in a gang, but those were just rumors... no one knows if the rumors were actually true.

Y/N was brought back to reality by a voice calling her. "Y/N, bro are you ok? You look scared."

"W-what? Oh no I'm fine" she said sounding a little shaky.

"What happened?" Yeji's voice became softer, and more curious.

"Oh nothing. I'm fine don't worry."

Y/N went to her next class a little shaken up. She opened the door to her class room, and all eyes were on her. "Miss Y/N, would u like to explain to me why your late dear?"

"I'm so sorry Ms. Kim, I got distracted in the halls. It won't happen again." Y/N did a full 90 degree bow, and headed to her seat.

Time skip to nct's pov•

"Jaehyun have you found any surveillance cameras that she could've been by?"

"No Taeyong, I don't know where she would go, and no one here knows her well enough to know that. But I can pull up some files of her information."

"Ok, get on that please. We will find her"


"Y/N, I don't understand why you won't come to my house after school, it's not that far!"

"Yeji, I've told you many times-"

"She's coming with me after school."

Yeji and Y/N we're both equally as shocked.

"She- what?!" Yeji managed to spit out. "Y/N you never told me about you and Wooyoung."

"That's because I didn't know we had something till 5 seconds ago, and...

When did I ever agree to coming over to your house? I don't remember you inviting me nor telling me. It's not like I would go with you anyway because you and your "friends" are weird."

Wooyoung went up to her ear and whispered something that was inaudible to Yeji. Y/N had pure shock and nervousness written all over her face.

"Oh... but your going to listen to me because I can mess your whole life up with one snap of my fingers. So, your coming with me after school, got it Y/N?"

Chills went down her spine.


Hey guys!! Thank u sooooo much for 1k reads❤️❤️ I hope u all are safe! I will also be making parts to this chapter so stay tuned!!

Fool || Mark LeeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora