I. six years later

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11.00 pm watching the starts and a glass of the best wine in the world in my hand.I was living my best life right now enjoying the festivity that mr. and future mrs. Jones planed. It was an important evening for them, the most powerful people in the country were there to honor their engagement.

" Red still suits you " — I heard a voice behind me. A hoarse one. I froze in that moment.I turned around and I couldn't believe who I had in front of me. Crap.

I couldn't say anything, my words didn't want to come out of my mouth. — " What are you doing here ?" — was the only thing I could've get out

." You don't look happy to see me, my darling" — he said with a sarcastic smile on his face and a look that was shouting me to sin.

" Why would I be ?" — my answear was cold and full of rage, I saw his face changing and turning that sarcastic smile into a serious one. Before he could respond anything in return, my fiance interrupted us. Did I forgot to mention that I was engaged too ? Ugh, my bad.

" I see you two already met " — Ronnie said taking my waist, pulling me closer to him.

" I saw her standing here alone and I couldn't stay away " — He said laughing. Lies, why was he lying ? — " We haven't introduced ourselves yet " — Is this a nightmare ? I was dreaming ?"

In that case, this is Josephine Prince, my lovely fiance; Josephine, this is Christian Fox, the best business partner I had ever the pleasure to met " — Christian ? business partner ? This is for sure a nightmare. And before you judge me, having that person in front of me reminded me why I had to change my name too.

" It is a pleasure to finally met you, mrs. Prince " — he said while taking my hand and kiss it in sign of respect — " I heard a lot of things about you but I never got to see your beauty — he said raising his head to look me into the eyes.

" You are gonna make her blush, mr. Fox "— Ronnie said laughing like he didn't observe the fact that I was shaking — " Now, if you excuse me, mr. Jones wants to see me " — he said, just after kisses my cheek and shake the hand with the one named, Christian, now.

It took him two seconds to get lost in all the plenty of people that were there letting me stand searching for answers from the ghost I have in front of me.

" I think we should talk somewhere more private " — I let the words out of my mouth without thinking. I didn't want to talk to him.

" And letting your dearest fiance know that you are missing ?" — he said again, with the same sarcastic smile on his face.

I let the glass of wine on the table of the balcony where I was enjoying my evening just before all this mess and took his hand, searching for an exist door.

After we got to the beautiful garden that Eduard Jones owned, I made a pause and let his hand go, I didn't even know why I held his hand that long. My head was hurting, my stomach gave me a feeling like I wanted to throw out and my hands couldn't stop shaking.

" I am gonna ask you again " — I took a breathe — " What are you doing here ?"

" Can we take this easy ?" — There he was again, with his irony and his ego. God I hated that.

" You know exactly what I am doing here "— he said taking a pause thinking that I might say something.

" No, I don't know and I would love to know what are you doing near to my fiance " — I was making myself formal again, the shock was still there but I am not gonna let him know that.

" Oh Caitlin, he isn't your fiance " — I froze once again. He said it. He said my name. My eyes were about to start crying and I felt like my heart was ripped out my chest.

" What do you mean ?"— I dared to ask with my voice cracking.

" You know exactly what I mean, you can change your name, hide your scars, hide your past, but the fact that you know exactly what I mean you can't hide " — I knew exactly what he meant but all my anger was taking control over me.

" You are lying " — Oh dear, who is lying who ?

" Why would I ?" — He said looking right into my eyes. Oh that blue eyes with hints of green.

" Now mrs. Prince, if you excuse me, the fireworks are gonna start soon and I would love to be at the celebration " — He made a pause while looking at my ring — " It was a pleasure to finally meet you " — he said with a sarcastic smile again. I saw what he tried to do. I couldn't say anything in return. I really tried, but I couldn't.I was just stonned, seeing him walking away without even looking behind, just for a moment.

" Mrs. Prince, your fiance is looking for you everywhere, he is worried " — I heard my employee behind me.I didn't gave attention to him, or to anything else, my look was still fixed in the direction where he walked away. The same way I did six years ago.

Barry Allen.

Dear God, why ?

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