Chapter 2 (Part 26)

Start from the beginning

"Will that be okay?" Tiffany asked in half-disbelief since it sounded so simple.

"Do you mind working with us for another year?"

"Not at all."

"Then yes, it should be okay," said Yoona with a smile. "The Commissioner himself has approved it, Unnie. It's all good. You've been a valuable aid to our team so consider this part of our recognition. Besides, if you ever need a babysitter, I know someone who's always available and more than willing to do it for free."

"Who?" Taeyeon asked. She thought about each of her and Tiffany's friends but none of them fit Yoona's description since they were all busy people.

"Someone who's been nagging me about marriage and grandchildren," said Yoona with a smile.

"Who-... oh no. We don't want to trouble your mother," Taeyeon quickly replied. She stole a glance at Tiffany, hoping that the latter wouldn't react badly to it considering their old argument about family and him. The last thing Taeyeon wanted to do was make Tiffany feel uncomfortable or be constantly reminded of him.

"It will be no trouble. She's been asking about Jiyoon almost every day anyway. I think she misses the kid. The house was much livelier when she was around, that I have to admit," Yoona said, fully aware of the quiet Tiffany. "This is just an option, Unnie," she told her. "Please don't feel obliged to agree. My mother's willing to help out if you guys need a babysitter. That's all I'm saying."

"We'll think about it. Tell her thanks and that she's welcome to come visit Jiyoon anytime she wants. We can also drop by your house if she wants," said Tiffany.

"I'll do that."

The two soon left Yoona's office and the station to get lunch.

"What's on your mind?" Taeyeon asked the quiet Tiffany once she had driven out of the parking lot.


Taeyeon stole a quick side-glance. "Don't feel obliged. Omoni was just trying to help. We don't have to say yes to her."

"I wasn't thinking about that."

"Oh? What were you thinking about then?"

"She's alone most of the time, isn't she?" asked Tiffany. She couldn't shake Yoona's words out of her mind about her mother and the implied silence in the house the woman occupied alone for the most part of the day.

"Well... I guess so. Ahboji and Yoong are always working so-..."

"When the time comes for me to temporarily move out, where do you think I should stay?"


"I've thought of a few options."

"You're not staying at Sunny's or Jessica's," replied Taeyeon. "Not safe."

"Where then?"

"I... I'm not sure," answered Taeyeon hesitantly. "Haven't given it much thought, to be honest. I feel like we need to take it slow, make sure Jiyoon feels safe enough with us before we can even hint about the new living arrangement."

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