Chapter 2 (Part 13)

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One Step At A Time


"Good morning, Taeyeon. I'm sorry for bothering you this early in the morning."

She held back a sigh when she heard his voice. "It's alright, Mr. Hwang. How can I help you?"

"Can I drop by later tonight? A friend of mine just came back from Jeju and he gave me so many oranges, I can't possibly finish them all alone. I was thinking of sharing them with Miyoung and you."

"That's... very nice of you, Mr. Hwang."

He heard the hesitation. "She'd probably kick me out, huh?"

"I don't think she'd do anything that drastic," said Taeyeon then paused, looking behind her, in the direction of the conference room. "Um... is it okay if I call you back later, Sir? I'm in the middle of a meeting right now."

"Oh of course! Of course! I'm so sorry for interrupting your meeting. I'll talk to you later then. Goodbye, Taeyeon."

"Goodbye, Sir."

Taeyeon hung up, let out her sigh and went back inside the conference room.


Back in the conference room, the others had thought the same as Tiffany when they saw Taeyeon taking the call. It was unlikely for the inspector to let anything interrupt a meeting regarding Seungjin or Yongbak. They didn't comment on it though, resorting to briefly exchanged glances and subtle shrugs instead.

"Okay, let's just continue. I've spoken to the officer who was shadowing Jongin. He's been replaced. The attackers knew who he was. And we're pretty sure that the drunk who distracted him was indeed part of the ambush plan," said Yoona.

"So are we officially the target now?" asked Sooyoung.

"I sincerely hope not. But let's prepare for the worst," said Yoona.

"You think it's Seungjin, Captain?" asked Joonmyun.

"Like I said, we still have to wait for the DNA results to confirm that but I'm not taking any chances. As of now, I want each of you to be extra careful."

The door opened and in walked Taeyeon.

"Sorry about that," she said as she took her seat.

"Who was that?" asked Tiffany in a low voice.

"I'll tell you later," whispered Taeyeon before she looked at Yoona. "Do continue."

"Well, now that we've all caught up, I'm afraid there's nothing else we can do but wait for the DNA results. Oh and Senior Inspector Jung Yunho had kindly told me that they're planning another raid soon."

"How soon?" Taeyeon asked.

"I don't know. He won't tell me. But you can ask him yourself later. He said he'd come by to drop off Jo Himchan's files today."

Taeyeon opened her mouth, about to ask another question, when a knock from the door interrupted her.

They turned their heads to see Juhyun pushing the door open, walking inside with a tablet in her hand.

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