9. Responsibility

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Normal POV

Afterschool, the time of the day where students obtained glee to relax themselves from the worries. It should be just a normal day for the blonde haired girl, supporting her weight was a tree as she lean against it, foot apart a little distance. It was afternoon.

Lost in her own world, she heave a breath of exasperation out of a blue. It wasn't clear to her either on why she did such action herself, but one thing for sure made her worried. A certain chocolate brown haired boy filled her mind after he texted her to wait near the school entrance this afternoon.

Hesitantly, she replied. But she wouldn't think twice to leave once he started to tease her again. After the event that took place a little while earlier nearby their club room, it already seems  that another problem had risen. She was not sure at first so to sate herself from the growing curiousity, she dragged her body towards the entrance.

Her red-orange orbs glances around, same expressions, different composure. Everything seems too full of energy, even she herself wanted to burst and runs at full speed, but restrain herself from doing so.

She already explained to Koharu about her current  situation in hand and as expected of her, she offered to guide the blonde teen but she instantly denied, going by herself is the best option for now. Moreover, it seems that her bestfriend is not yet satisfied with her decision so she needed to assure her a couple of times before she received it's permission.

Speaking of the time, the boy did said that he would come over as soon as possible after they finished the whole matter they are doing. After a few minutes of waiting, she could clearly view his outline from afar.  She waved to grab the attention of a rather tired boy, panting before her.

"Hey! Are you still fine?!" Yume exclaims in a hushed manner. She wouldn't want unwanted attention to spot them near the tree. The boy released a sigh, standing after some time. Yume was relieved but confusion top up inside her.

"I'm fine, we've got ourselves a little problem and hope you could help us by some ways." He says candidly while all he received was a surprise gasp coming from the girl in front of him. He constrict himself from saying any words that may annoy her in some ways, now that they're needing her help, jokes would be pointless.

"Listen here Nijino, can you represent the Music Club all by yourself during the program?" Subaru inquire, staring straight towards the sparkling eyes of the blonde haired teen. Seconds had passed, no words were exchanged between them, only the rhythm of their breathing and the flowing winds surrounding both of their bodies.

The girl, appalled by the news, shrieked in surprise. "M-me?!" She points to herself, poking both of her cheeks to get an evidence that all of it wasn't just a mere dream. She looks towards the the brown haired boy, with mishmash of emotions swirling in her eyes and a straight line on her lips.

"Maybe you're thinking that I must be joking this moment base on your expression right now  but I'm dead serious here, Nijino." Subaru stated with a flat tone, a huge difference between his normal carefree voice. It made Yume shiver in surprise. 

"Why did you choose me then? How about Laura or Hime-senpai and even some students here enrolled in the Flower Song Class?" Yume was confused, totally confused where all she could do was to throw a fit of questions towards the boy. Even though a little tired, he spend some of his time entertaining the questions with proper answers.

"The S4 are probably busy about the school meeting and organizing the program, this will put more burden to them than they already have, next move, I asked Anna-sensei and did a thorough investigation regarding about the students of Flower Song Class. Eventually it turns out that both you and Sakuraba nailed the spot. Much to my dismay,  Sakuraba is currently on a trip to practice her vocals." With a sad tone, the brown haired teen ended his statement. Surely, he expected the reaction of the girl before and it made him pretty more determined to make her accept the positon.

The only problem is that, he could see the hesitant look on the brown haired girl, afterall the position isn't as simple as everyone had thought. He can wait for her response a little longer so she could think about it for some time. Before the girl could send her reply, the tall boy started to walk away, slowly increasing the gap between the two. Yume frozen in her spot, could only witness the boy walk away in the distance.

She wouldn't let it, she already got past her start line and been supported by her bestfriend all along the way. One step at a time, she walks then finding it hard to catch up, ran at a faster pace. Getting a clearer vision of the boy, decreases her pace but unable to sustain it for too long.

After a while, Red-orange eyes fluttered open, Yume found herself slumped on the solid ground after the collision with Subaru. This made the two to give each other an awkward glances, standing by themselves. "I've decided! I'm going to agree on your offer, Subaru-san!"

Dusting her skirt off the invisible dirt, Yume gave Subaru a lopsided smile, it is an honest and sincere one. Chocolate brown eyes replied to her with a candid sparkle within them.

"That's good and thank you very much." Subaru says, inserting both of his fists on the pocket. Though a little emotion leaked on the outside, he was quietly celebrating inside his mind, joyful emotion suddenly went ablaze that he could hardly even contain.

"Well, I'll be going on my way now. Hope you do good being the representative of the Music Club." With a wave, his back face against the blonde haired girl and without a word starts to move his feet away from the determined girl. Yume could also stare at his back, feeling like a statue as of the moment.

There were still unleft curiousity swirling inside her mind, waiting to get answered by the disappearing boy. Much to her dismay, before she could shout, the boy was out of nowhere from her line of sight.

'That's too fast,' Clearly impressed, the girl started to walk back her way towards the premises of the academy. Getting a little scared for her properties unguarded in their little club room, she didn't expect for the talk to last for too long. Like she even expected for the sudden talk.

Once she reached the door, she pushed it open and in this time of the day, it is clearly a ghost town. The members had already taken their off time a little while earlier and was glad to found her things safe and sound. She picked it up, locked the club room and stays outside the academy for a couple of minutes, the whole thing is still inside her mind.

'I've got the full responsibility for being the representative of the Music Club. I'll never bring you down, Subaru-san.'


Author's Note: Hello everyone! Presenting to you the nineth chapter of this fanfiction. Subaru gave the position for being the representative of the Music Club to Yume Nijino, how will she react on this for the next couple of days. Hope you like it and stay tuned for more.

Edited and proofread by me, if you ever found some wrong and typographical errors in this chapter, please do tell me and I'll correct it as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

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