8. Trial

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Normal POV

The blaring, woeful cyan eyes of an orange haired girl totally locked on her target. The scene made her heart constrict, resulting on making her breath more harder. For now, she could just clandestine spy between the two through the open gap on the door.

Out of nowhere, a boy stood behind her seemingly amused by the sight. "Never thought that you would cross beyond the line to spy on him." The voice teased, making Ako freeze on her spot and look towards the boy behind her nervously. She hated him already and the one that could destroy her good mood in a mere second.

She maintained her calm look but eventually lose it by just looking at the perpetrator. She hissed and can hardly contain her emotions anymore, though irony because she belongs to Bird Theater Class. The boy giggled at her response, inviting the anger that Ako tried to conceal all along.

"What do you think you're doing here?!" She spat angrily, crossing both of her arms across her chest. Even though it's just a minute, her mood already changed drastically.

"I would like to have a talk with Subaru as of the moment, is all. What about your reason on peeking here?" He emphasized the word intentionally. It takes a toll of effect on the girl, the same that he assumed earlier. 'She gets flustered too easily.'

"I-it's non of your business!" The orange haired girl defended through gritted teeth, red hue covering her whole visage. Her heart beating at an unstable pace due to the constant teasing of the boy. She can't take it anymore, whipping her head to the side, the event eventually caught her off guard.

Much to her shock, Subaru alongside with Yume behind him stands there a little clueless about the situation. She clumsily slipped on her own as she sat there with a blushing expression, unable to hide it anymore.

In this kind of awkward atmosphere, a hand reached out to help her fallen figure and seeing it was the brown-hazel haired boy, she clearly refused with a huff. She supports herself and stands on her own, still the blush never leaving her face.

"Hey, are you okay?" Subaru questions the girl, who he assumed the same one as before. Cyan eyes stared at him with great admiration but easily got distracted by the blonde haired girl behind, who wears the same worried expression like him. This irritates her easily where to the point that she wanted to attack her already, if it weren't for Subaru nearby.

Instead of giving a response, she ran away afraid of what may be his outlook about her after the little incident that occurred. This action made the three confused, especially the two coming from the Music Club who had no ounces of idea about what happened.

Subaru look towards Kanata who wears a smile on his face and hands stuffed on the pocket of his jeans. "What are you doing here?  And care to explain about that girl?" He inquires, getting a little serious about the matter. This caused the pale blue-green eyed boy to heaved a big sigh, things weren't on his way for now.

"Headmaster wanted us to come to his office, I've already informed the others and I bet they're already there, and about the girl, she's a clear fan of yours that's all I could say." Though bored, Subaru was glad that his friend answered nontheless.

He glanced at the awaiting girl behind him, curiosity took over her red-orange eyes as they look back at him. "I'm going for now and be sure to practice hard, boiled octopus."

They started to walk away to the distance before Yume could compose her annoyed retort, it pissed her to the max. She entered the room and found the unfinished chocolate sitting on the table, awaiting to be eaten once again. Having a hard time denying it, her mouth starts to gnaw the chocolate and enjoys the taste of the food.

Time skip

~With the M4~

From the huge window pane behind him, the clear weather could be foreseen. A man siting on a chair, elbows glued to the wooden table and glasses glinting with the light. He faced the four awaiting boys infront who all wears a different expressions from one another.

"I'm glad that all of you are here," He trailed off, finding the right words to describe the matter in hand. "You all got yourselves a little problem. It's about your concert, the management approved of it right away but concerning about the date, sadly it overlaps with the program here in the school." Moroboshi told each of them calmly, observing carefully the features of the boys. Some had changed while some remained neutral.

He continues, "So I'll give you some time to decide for yourselves. Would you rather cancel the concert you've been wanting from the start or go there without worrying about the works here. It's up to all of you now, I'll wait until afternoon for your answers. When no one of you returned, I'll cancel the concert right away."

A wave of fear creeps up to the boys nerves, both are so important to them plus the surprise live they had planned to perform in the program here in the academy. They're stuck, unable to escape this kind of situation. The pressure are there, the limited time they were given is up until this afternoon.

"Can't we just adjust the date of the concert or even make it a little earlier than before?" A worried Subaru speaks up, followed by the hopeful eyes of the other members. The headmaster exhales, locking his eyes to the unmoving eyes of the brown haired teen.

"I'm afraid it would be hopeless to do so, even if you change the time or the date of the concert. I would be informing you that a lot of people already bought the tickets and some are even out of stock as of now." The headmaster explains, adding more to the worry of the guys. The hope in their eyes suddenly went downwards, even Subaru was shocked by this.

They brought their heads down in sadness, not because of the concert or either of the program but because they needed to choose one between the two within the span of time given. "That's all I could say, you're all free to leave now."

The headmaster's words are firm, they are sure that he's not giving any fallacy about the matter. They headed out not before bowing their heads, the clicking of the door made them to heave a relieved sigh.

No one dared to broke the silence forming around them, the whole thing is still embedded in theirs minds losing the effectiveness of the useless words for now. They needed to think fast.

Everyone's visage is covered by a shadow of sadness. The words earlier clearly had a long lasting effect on their moods and Subaru knows that the leader needs to be the first one to enlighten the dark ambience of the members.

The only problem about it is even Subaru is still under the effect of those words. He couldn't do anything but to stare at nothingness and wonder on what should be their next move.

'Out of all, why would be this kind of trial will befall on us?'


Author's Note: Hello lovely readers!  I just wanted to inform you that I update this story when I have a spare time so I will appreciate it if you have some patience to wait. Thank you very much!

Now, another chapter for this Fanfiction! M4 bumped themselves on a huge wall and they didn't have any idea on what should be their next move.  Stay tuned for more.

This chapter has already been edited and proofread by me, so if you still saw some erroneous terms, please do tell me.

I'm very sorry for the constant mistakes I've been doing, like the usage of one's name that's not in the story, ex. Reika. I would like to explain that I also have another fanfiction of Aikatsu Stars and Reika acts like the Koharu of the story. Sorry if this mistake/s got you confused.

Aikatsu Stars! Maybe One Day (SubaYume)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora