Fred, George, and I quickly got everything on straight, and then, before we knew it, it was time to head to the pitch. Red and green lanterns lit the way, and the buzz of energy in the air was literally infectious.

"This is amazing," I breathed as we walked through the trees. People were laughing and talking and joking all around us, and the giddy feeling was unlike any I'd ever felt.

After about twenty minutes in the woods, we reached the stadium. It looked even more amazing at night, lit up and glowing a shimmering gold, towering like a beautiful beacon in the night sky.

We showed our tickets to a Ministry witch when we got to the entrance, and she beamed back at us and Mr. Weasley.

"Prime seats! Top box! Straight upstairs, Arthur, and as high as you can go."

Mr. Weasley beamed back at her, and then we headed inside. It was a long trek up many flights of stairs, and yet again I had to silently thank Nat and Clint for getting me in such good shape this summer.

"Alexa!" I heard a voice call out when we were about halfway up. I turned to see Oliver standing just off the stairs, waving excitedly to me.

"Hey, I'll meet you guys up there, okay?" I said, excusing myself from the rest of the party.

"Alright, but hurry up! You won't want to miss the start!" called Fred as he and the rest of our group continued climbing. I waved to him as promise that I wouldn't, then stepped off the stairs to meet Olivier.

"Alexa, are you—what are you wearing?"

I glanced down at my outfit, worried I had made some horrible mistake like the wizards with the kilt and Hawaiian shirt combo. Of course I hadn't, and I looked back up at Oliver in confusion.

"Why do you sound like my uncle Loki every time I try to wear sweatpants out of the house with him?"

Oliver completely disregarded that comment, instead gesturing to the green and white hat I was wearing.

"We met Victor Krum! He's one of the best players alive today! How could you possibly be wearing Ireland's colors right now?"

"I mean, they're kind of the home team, aren't they?"

"That doesn't matter!" cried Oliver, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "Ah well, too late to do anything about it now. Where are you all sitting for the match?"

"Apparently we're up in the commentator's booth!" I said excitedly. Oliver's mouth dropped open.

"That's absolutely brilliant! Tell me you got a pair of Omnioculars."

"Umm, yes, if that's what these are," I said holding out my new wizard binoculars.

"Excellent! I'll focus on the Keeper and Beater game, you focus Chasers and Snitch once it's released. Between the two of us, we can get a great film of the game to study later."

I grinned. I missed this Quidditch lunatic.

"I will do my best Oliver. And I'll send you everything I get."

"Good, I'll look out for it. Now get going! You don't want to miss anything!"

I snapped to attention, saluted, then turned sharply on my heel. Oliver alone was giving off more energy than half of this stadium combined, and it left a smile on my face as I started working my way back through the crowds to the stairs.

Unfortunately for me, it was harder than I thought it would be to retrace my steps. I walked around a bit, but I couldn't find the staircase I'd started up with the rest of my party.

I looked around, trying to spot a good person to ask for help, and I saw a woman standing a little ways off to the side, like she was waiting for someone. She certainly wasn't busy, so I figured she was the perfect place to start.

"Hello there ma'am," I said, approaching her with all the Steve Rogers energy I could muster. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I took a detour to visit a friend and I seem to have lost the staircase."

"Of course dear, quite understandable," she sniffed a bit, looking down her nose at the crowd around us as she turned to point. "Just head straight that direction and you'll find them. Can't miss it."

"Wonderful. Thanks so much!"

She gave me a rather aloof nod, and I waved before venturing back into the throngs of people. After a few paces, I caught sight of the stairs, just like she'd said.

I darted through the last few people, eager to make it to the top box as soon as possible. I wanted to enjoy every minute of this!

In my excitement to reach the stairs, I didn't notice someone else trying to exit the same way I was trying to enter. I ran into them with a full head of steam, almost toppling both of us backwards for a long fall.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I—"

I looked up to see none other than Draco Malfoy standing before me, sneering at my abruptly ended apology.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me."

An American at Hogwarts: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now