Eternally Yours CHAPTER 2

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Next day
At 8 AM Maite's studio is already hustling with activity,the lighting,hair and makeup, the gradually arriving models,and the paparazzi crowding at the door.
This is the place where Maite comes alive where she puts her skills knowledge and artistry into action.
"I want this position this way, so that the model sitting there will get the most light. That light is too strong,it will make her look bad,her agent will complain again. I want to run a complete test in 15 minutes so get going!" "Models when I run my test in 15 minutes,I want all in your places. Don't worry about your hair,makeup or clothes coz it's only a lighting test. You are all beautiful so there's nothing to worry about." Maite went on to prepare her camera for the shoot.
In the corner of the studio Marion and a rather old lady observes the busy studio.
"I must say she's good." Mrs De Havilland
"She's the best." Marion said it proudly while looking at the new ring on her finger.
"My that is rather impressive stone, may I ask who is it from?"
"Maite, she ask me to marry her. 2 days ago. I said yes"
"Congratulations Marion!" "Have you set a date yet?"
"We haven't talked much about it. With me just signed for 3 films and Maite booked to the end of year,finding a date for the wedding its going to be a tough one." "We'll make it work"
Maite looked back, smiled at Marion,then turned back to work.
"Everyone, places!" Maite directed everyone to start.
All but one person is not in place. The seat which Maite marked CAMINO WAY is still empty.
"Where is that woman? Where is Camino?"
"Get Camino Way here NOW!"

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