twelve. wake up

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sarah's pov.

i laid flat in my bed, awake, but my eyes remaining closed. i noticed it was dark, but the gleam of lights slowly trickled through the darkness, getting brighter with every passing second.

voices filled the room around me. i tried to open my eyes, but i struggled, feeling as if something was weighing them down.

"sarah, honey. come on baby, it's momma." a voice almost inaudibly announced, confusion racing through my mind as i laid completely still. maybe i was having sleep paralysis?

my eyes started feeling lighter and lighter, until the point to where i could slowly start to open them.

as soon as they were, my surroundings immediately startled me. a hospital room, me in the bed, with just my parents, aunt, and mammaw and pappaw standing around me.

my mammaw passed away seven months ago...

"oh baby, you're awake." my mom cried, gently grabbing my hand as she sat in a chair next to me, her eyes staring into me.

"mom? where am i? what's going on?" i questioned, clearly confused on to why my late mammaw was standing in front of me.

"what do you mean? sarah, you've been in a coma for almost two weeks now. you fell and broke your arm at school and you hit your head, but they thought it was just a concussion. that night when you went to bed, you slipped into a coma and haven't been up since." she informed me, my heart beat starting to race.

"where's shawn?" i asked, looking around everyone to see if he was kind of hidden somewhere, looking around and noticing the hospital band on my wrist. i skimmed over the information until i saw something weird.

name: williams, sarah grace
age: 14 years old
dob: 03/19/99
date entered: 04/20/13

holy fuck. it was all a dream?

"where are my friends?" i mumbled, looking at my mom through teary eyes. she sighed, looking down at our intertwined hands. "they've been trying to reach you, which confuses me because they haven't cared about you until you were hurt." she answered, a frown painted on her lips.

"when do i get to go home?" i questioned, looking over at my dad this time for the answer. "most likely tomorrow." i nodded, turning my gaze from him, to my feet u see the blanket at the end of the bed.

i leaned my head back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling, squeezing my eyes shut for a moment before reopening them, trying to see if this was a dream. unfortunately, i opened my eyes and it was all the same. none of it never happened.

-one week later-

i sat on my bed and dug through the memory box, looking through all the memories i made with the girls in elementary school, before all of the drama.

i pulled out polaroid after polaroid, smiling at the memories i could now see clearly. i set down the pictures and found one last polaroid, a picture of a sunset on the beach.

i sat there for a moment staring at the picture, my heart slowly starting to race. the more i looked at it, the more familiar it became, until it all hit me.

shawn and i's last date at the beach.

i dropped the polaroid on the bed and jumped up, covering my mouth as i stood away from the box.

i examined it from a few feet away, noticing a crumpled, brown napkin in the corner. i slowly walked over to it, pulling it out of the box and unfolding it, blue scribbles all over it.

i turned it upside down and noticed it was a note, my heart stopping as i read it.

"as long as i live, my love you will be" was written right across the front of the napkin, clearly in shawn's handwriting. my face dropped, the napkin falling out of my hand and landing on top of the sunset polaroid.

i dropped onto the floor and scooting away from my bed until i hit the wall, my eyes starting to feel glossy. my head pounded as the previous events replayed in my head, signaling that everything was indeed real.

was it really all just a dream?

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