nine. world tour

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sarah's pov.

my foot bounced up and down as i sat on the white leather couch in andrew's office, shawn's hand resting on my thigh as we listened to andrew talk about shawn's upcoming world tour.

"as y'all know, shawn mendes the album is going to be released soon and we've already finished working on getting you interviews on release day, which is next friday." andrew says, flipping through the binder sitting in front of him on his desk.

"make sure you're being active on your social medias, but not too active. we don't want to give away any hints or spoilers for this album. as for you sarah," he started, closing the black binder and folding his hands on top of it.

"if fans ask you about the album, just keep it light. don't give any lyrics, song titles, nothing." i nodded, feeling slightly intimidated with this whole situation.

"i've only showed sarah two songs, in my blood and youth. she's heard as much as the fans have." shawn told him, andrew nodding at the information. "even better."

"now, for the exciting news. tour starts in five months, meaning we'll start prepping for it in two. shawn, you obviously have no choice, but to be there, seeing as it is your world tour. but sarah, you are also more than welcomed to come. we actually already have a photographer, just because he has been apart of our team since shawn started all of this. but, you can work with him and even just hang out." andrew said, shawn squeezing my thigh at the mention of the tour.

"where will tour start?" he asked, obviously already excited to be back doing what he loves. "europe. march second." andrew replied, smiling back at shawn as he noticed his excitement.

"we're all more than ready to be back on the road. sarah, i think you'll really love being out with us." he informed me, causing me to flash him a fake smile.

i hadn't given shawn a final answer to as if i would be going with them or not. i have school, work, and the girls to think of. shawn and i are supposed to tell them tonight about it, but i knew they're going to force me to say yes and go.

i want to go with him more than anything, seeing that i'll be able to see shawn in is element, but it would also be good for my career. josiah, shawn's current photographer, is crazy good. he could help me get to where i want to be.

"but, other than that, i don't really have anything else for y'all today. shawn, you need to be in the studio by tomorrow morning, and i also need to know if you want to make that weekend trip this weekend to finish the last few songs. we need them recorded by sunday night so we can get them edited." andrew said, standing up from his desk and grabbing the binder and his phone, pushing in his chair.

shawn and i copied his actions, following andrew as we walked out of his office. "yeah, we can definitely go. i only have three songs i need to finish so it shouldn't be too much work." he responded. i felt a little pang in my heart by the fact shawn would be gone and working all weekend.

ever since we got together, we have spent every waking second with each other. like literally. it's been almost two weeks, which seems like literally nothing, but it's been so much fun. even though i really don't want him to go, i feel like this weekend will be good for us.

shawn laced our fingers together as we left the island records office building and down the streets of los angeles. "it's only twelve thirty. what time do we have to meet everyone for dinner tonight?" shawn asked, our hands slightly swinging as we walked. "seven thirty at chick-fil-a." i replied, looking up at him and seeing him laugh.

"what's so funny?" i questioned, furrowing my eyebrows and smiling, waiting for his response. "out of all the nice ass restaurants we could be eating at, you guys chose chick-fil-a?" he says, chuckling.

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