The thud

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I sit there wondering what I have done to be put here ...I cry feeling the warm tears run down my cheeks ,as the door opens with a burst of light that blinded me as I wimper from my skin burning from the light,I heard something hit the ground as the door slammed shut again. I head crying Wich was for the first time not from me .I scoot back in the corner afraid of what this thing might do to me . As the chains scrape against the ground a 

deep voice cryed "hello is anyone there?"
I sat there wanting to say something but nothing was coming out of my mouth then finally a in a high pitched voice I said
"I -I am "
I could smell their blood from here ,they had to have been bleeding .
In panic I wisperd "follow my voice " I can help you"
I could here the slapping of his feet against the ground . I could feel them standing over me . I trued to look but I couldn't see anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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