Yung child

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When I was young I would run through the fields of flowers playing tag with John . We would stay out till the sun set the watch as the sun as went down . As we got older he started acting strange ,and we stopped hanging out. He vanished into thin air.I still went out into the Meadows in hope he might return. The last time I was in the medows I thought it was him following me but no one was their ....or a least I thought I woke up on the ground with what felt like two gaping holes in my neck , and the feeling of a emtpy pit in my stomach.I walked towards town and as I got closer I seen people walking, and with out though I speeded over there and sucked their bodies dry of every ounce of blood they had . I sat their over the bodies and cryied . A man stood behind me and put his had on my shoulder ,I quickly turned around and asked
"What the hell are you doing"
He smirks then replys
"Trying to help"
I reply "how the hell are you supposed to help me I just killed too inesent people ?"
He stabs me with some kind of needle and I wake up being throne into a a dark space .

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