Every Single Moment

Start from the beginning

"I love when you wear my number." I basically had to yell up to her because of all the screaming fans around us.

"Only number I ever want to wear." She smiled

"I love you so much." Her megawatt smile could be seen around the arena after hearing me say those words for the first time.

"I love you too!!!" Tears coated her eyes as she laughed still smiling. I kissed her one more time then proceeded to hand her a puck and the stick from my hands. I winked at her before grabbing another and heading back out on the ice to finish warmups.

Watching the reactions from the people that didn't know she was my girlfriend was hilarious. The shock expressions on their faces were even better. She put the sign down and watched the rest of warmups before we left the ice.


5 Months Ago

Home ice, up by 2 goals, 7 minutes to go in the 3rd period. We've got this, focus. Puck get hit out to center, guy from Panther's tries to chip it back in, steal puck back, pass to Jamie. Hit the ice hard. What the fuck. The Arena went quiet as the whistle blew; I couldn't get up. My knee hurt so bad.

Staff came running onto the ice asking me a million questions that I could barely hear enough to answer. My vision still blurry from the hit. I was helped up slowly.

"What hurts?"

"My knee I can't put weight on it at all."

"Alright, let's get you back in the locker room, get it checked out." I nodded my head as a few of my teammates helped me off the ice and staff took me the rest of the way back. The whole time I was looking around for my girl. Tinsley was no doubt freaking out after seeing that. I needed to let her know I was all good.


5 Months Ago

Tyler went down hard on the ice; I know I screamed. Everyone around me was quiet. We were sitting with a few of the other wives and girlfriends. Kate took my hand in hers.

"He's going to be fine; he'll get right back up." Then he didn't, players had to help him up and off the ice and he disappeared down the tunnel to the locker rooms. I wouldn't hear any update unless it was directly from him. I always knew there was a chance of injury. Hell, most of the players are out due to an injury a few times every season.

This was different though, this was my boyfriend being injured on the ice, and I didn't know if he was even okay.

"Come on, let's go try and find him." Kate, thankful for Kate. She pulled me up the stairs, watchful eyes following us. By now most of the fans know who I am, most of them are following me on Instagram.

Tyler and I have been together almost a year and we've been posting pictures of one another or stories whatever, almost weekly. Looks of concern continued as we ran through the upstairs tunnel in order to get down to the locker room.

My heart was in my throat, I swore I was about to throw up. Kate and I were still running through the crowd of people out getting snacks and drinks.

She burst through a door and now we were heading down stairs.

"Ladies you can't go..." A security guard that knew both of us put his hands up.

"Let her go back, she needs to go to medical now." Kate said. The guard sighed. "Please Pauly, you know why just let her make sure he's okay. You let me back last week when Jamie got hit with that stick." She gave him a puppy dog face and he sighed again.

"Okay, go but be stealthy please Mrs. Sawyer." I nodded frantically.

"I'll stay right here! Text me!" I nodded again to Kate and took off. Thankfully having several tours of this damn place, I knew exactly where I needed to go. The guys weren't off the ice yet still have about 2 minutes or so to play. So, I didn't have to worry about naked men in the locker room that I just ran through. I burst through the medical door and saw Tyler laying on the table already out of his gear with just a pair of shorts on. He sat up quick at the sound of the door hitting the wall.

"Baby." He let out a relief sigh. "Come here, I'm good." Tears fell down my face I didn't even know were there as I ran over and hugged him tight. "I'm okay love, I promise." He let out a small laugh. "I can't play for a few weeks and will be stuck on crutches, but I'm okay."

"I was so scared when you didn't get up right away, you always get up right away." He brushed away my tears with his thumbs.

"I'm okay, I promise. It hurt like hell, but I'm okay." I let out a breath trying to get my crying under control. I knew I was over reacting but I just didn't care.


5 Months ago

I wasn't letting her go. I planted kisses on her every chance I could before the trainer kicked her out of the room, with a lot of protest from me. He needed to assess how bad my knee actually was and didn't want me covering up my pain because of my girl being in there. You know tough guy syndrome and all.

The assessment sucked. Getting put on crutches sucked even more. My mom was going to flip. I, oh crap. I smacked my head as I hobbled my way over to grab my phone. My family's group chat had a ton of messages.

Tyler please tell me it wasn't as bad as it looked! -Mom

Please let us know! -Candace

Ty! Dang boy answer us! -Cassidy

You know we just have to sit and wait for him to be evaluated girls. -Mom

This is so frustrating. -Cassidy

I know honey, but I'm sure he'll be fine. -Mom

He's okay, I just got in to see him. Off the ice for a few weeks but he's okay! -Tinsley

Baby girl, thank you so much for the update! I'll come down and help with anything you just let me know when I should get a flight! -Mom

I'm sure he'd love the help Momma, I'll be there as much as I can, he's going to be on crutches for a bit though -Tinsley

Lol oh my gosh not baby Tyler on crutches again! -Candace

Hush you -Cassidy

Here we go, wait for momma bear! -Candace

Girls, stop it. -Mom

Hi to you too, I'm fine like Tinsley said, Mom you don't need to come down unless you want to, and screw you Cand! Lol -Me

So glad to hear you are okay! I love you, and I'll be down in a few days. -Mom

Here comes momma bear! -Candace

Candace stop it. -Mom

Hahahahaha I can't with this family! -Cassidy

I'm deleting myself from this family. lol -Me

You and I both T. -Cassidy

I moved on to the others really quick before getting dressed to head home.

T you good? -Del Zotto

I'm good -Me

Dude, do you need a ride home. That hit looked so bad! -Noah

I got my lady here to give me a ride 😉 -Me

Gross that's still my sister. Lol -Noah

Haha, give you a call later. -Me

Sounds good -Noah

I threw clothes on and got out of the locker room just as the guys were coming in. After talking to them for a bit I went and found Tinsley in the hallway and we headed back home.

A Puck to the Heart / Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now