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"Aish...Lee Minho get off of Jeongin now! And for the love of God Jisung leave Changbin alone, you both are up next for the photoshoot so act a little professional, okay?"

You would think after two years as one of their managers you would have figured out how to get them in line, but here you are, yelling at them again.

They were your boys though, and no matter what you still loved and cared for them deeply. You just wish they gave you a break once in awhile.

"Noonaaaaaaaa, it's okay! We'll get it done and you'll be so proud of the outcome." Chan came up to you and hugged you from behind. He could see how stressed you were and tried his best to console you. Shaking him off, you smacked the back of his head.

"Don't even get me started with you Christopher! You and Felix have been goofing off all morning. It would be in your best interest to remember that I am also fluent in English."

That shut Chan up reaaaaaaal quick. Using his English name was usually a sign that he was about to be in deep shit.

"Aye Aye Captain!" And he ran off, hopefully getting ready for his shoot if he knew what was good for him.

Taking a deep breath, you took a seat by one of their dressing tables. Remember Hana, this is your dream, this is what all those late nights studying were for.

You had been under a lot of stress these past few weeks with Stray Kids upcoming comeback. JYP had been pushing you to stay later and doing more, since one of the other managers was out on leave. Therefore putting a lot of stress on your personal life.

Your phone started ringing, bringing you out of your thoughts.

Seeing the caller ID, you quickly scanned the room and walked out, hoping no one saw you.

Quietly you answered.

"Ah, Hana, I'm so glad you were able to pick up. I'm going to need to come home quickly, we've had a bit of an accident."

Fearing the worst, you ran quickly to the other manager on set and explained briefly what was going on and that you needed to leave. With his approval, you were out the door.

You didn't notice the pair of concerned eyes that had been watching the whole exchange.


You arrived at your small apartment within 15 minutes, practically running through the front door.


Hearing her little voice immediately calmed you down.

"Baby, what happened? Auntie said you had an accident?"

Auntie came in, bringing with her two cups of tea.

"Aish, this girl almost gave me a heart attack! She jumped from the couch and fell on her arm. I called you immediately, however, when I looked at it, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected."

Relief swept over you, but guilt as well. You knew Haemi was testing her boundaries more and more as she just recently turned three, and Auntie was having a harder time controlling her. But unfortunately, Auntie was the only person willing to watch Haemi.

Being a single mother wasn't generally accepted, especially by the older generations, but Auntie had taken pity on Hana and Haemi. She was their neighbor, and saw that Hana was struggling to stay afloat, so three years ago she offered to watch the baby while Hana struggled finding a job in the entertainment world with management.

Auntie had basically saved you, since none of the local daycares would even consider watching Haemi. You owed her everything.

"Ah, Hana, while you're here I do have something to discuss with you. As you know, my son recently moved back to Seoul, and wants me to move in with him as I'm getting older and these stairs are wrecking havoc on my hips."

Oh fuck. What am I going to do?

You couldn't argue with her, or beg her to stay. You knew this was the best, and she had already done so much for you.

With lots of tears, you said goodbye to your only support in the last three years. Now what are you going to do?

Realizing that you had to go to work tomorrow, you immediately started calling all the local daycares. You received no after no after no. Once they asked about her father's work status, and you had to explain your situation, they would say that they were full or just straight up say no.

With no luck, the only thing you could do would be to bring Haemi with you to work tomorrow. Maybe you could appeal to Park Jin Young about daycare for his staff? Perhaps he could even write a letter as her employer to appeal to a daycare.

Tomorrow. You could do it. You will make things work for you and Haemi.

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