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I was at working, I was a cashier, checking people's groceries. Some people bought the weirdest stuff in stores, everyday at work at least one guy hits on me. Today a familiar face stepped into line, leaving a smile on my face.

Jake- "Hello beautiful"
Y/n- "Hello Jake, how are you?"
Jake- "I'm good, I'm good, and you?"

Y/n- " I'm good"

I smiled, but it was a lie. Nothing bad has happened at home yet, but I knew it was coming, I knew that everyday it just got worse. "It's almost 8am already, wow" I looked at him and nodded.

Jake- "Would you like to hangout today?"
Y/n- "Yeah, sure. Wanna come over my house?"
Jake- "I'll be there after your shift"

I grabbed his groceries, checked them, then put them in a bag and handed them to him. He gave me a bright smile, and kissed me on the cheek before leaving.
Finally after an hour of packing other peoples ciggrettes, toilet paper, and clothes, I was able to go home. It is a 20 minute walk home, when I got there, you walked into the living room and saw Sam and Colby.

Y/n-"When I said you could go see my brother, I didn't mean in my house"
Colby- "Don't worry sweetheart, i'm not here to bother you, not yet anyway"

I scoffed and crossed my arms, and shook my head.

Y/n- "I have someone coming over, so don't be a dick to him"
Colby- "Him?"
Sam- "She's talking about her boyfriend, Jake"

Colby slowly nodded and then looked at the tv. "Do you have a problem with that?" I asked. Colby shook his head and looked at Sam, then back at the tv. Why did his mood change as soon as he figured out I had a boyfriend? It wasn't like I was going to ask. We hated eachother more than anything in the world. All Colby ever did was push me, kick me, hit me, tease, ect.. It was exhausting. I finally got to breathe when he moved away, now he has the audacity to show up out of no where, barge into MY house, and look jealous when I had a boyfriend? Was it possible.. all those years, he li- no. No that's impossible. Colby Brock ruined my life.

There were knocks at the door, "I'll get it" I sat, but Colby beat you to the door. Colby leaned against the door frame and looked Jake up and down with an eyebrow raised.

Colby- "Hello, loverboy"
Jake- "Excuse me?"

I grabbed Colbys arm, and pulled him back inside, and I stepped in the door way.

Y/n- "Sorry about him..."
Jake- "Who is that guy"
Y/n- "That's Colby, he's my brothers friend, and he's an ass"

"She means to say i'm the best shes ever had" Colby shouted from the living room. My eyes widened and I put your hand on my head. Sam looked at Colby shocked, and Jake looked at me.

Y/n- "For the record, I have never, and nor will I ever, have sex with him"

Jake and Sam, both let out a relieving sigh. Colby smirked, and kept watching tv with Sam. I took Jakes hand, and walked into my room. I heard Colby shout "Don't you two love birds get too lovey up there!" making I roll my eyes. Why was Colby back? When will he be going back? And why was he acting like this?

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