Creaking joined the clapping of the heels as the magic in the air condensed on them as if the energy had been charged in the room just to be pulled into focus on the doors. The tension became almost unbearable before a final loud click echoed right outside the door and the magic burst against them from the other side blasting the doors open causing many children to scream.

      Standing on the other side of the door was someone Dumbledore hoped to never see again. Especially now that he had all his pieces set on his board just the way he needed them to be. Standing glaring right at him with furious laced silver blue eyes. Her hair in a fishtail braid on the right side of her head with a few flyaway sections of hair framing her face. A fitted emerald dress with gold embroidery twisting from the skirt up her body to her shoulder where the fabric ended just barely covering the top of her shoulders. Her cloak was pushed back far enough to show her front and shoulders but covered enough of her upper shoulders so the wyvern could safely grip them. Her arms were crossed over her chest with her Purple Heart and oak wand sending off sparks in her hand while the runes on her wrist glowed with a silvery light.

    On her left shoulder sat a small wyvern who's striking blue scales shimmered in the candlelight. The small creature was also starring right at Dumbledore hissing and clicking in fury as it's tail thrashed behind it in agitation. It's ocean blue eyes flashing like a predator who found its prey.

    Tilting her head with her aristocratic features blanked into a mask where only her eyes portrayed her emotions Cordelia Potter stood in a fury. The whole ride up to Hogwarts her temper grew as she ran over everything in her head once more. Her agitation causing Aquarius to his and twitch on her shoulder gripping the padded cloak she wore over her dress for warmth. Seeing the man sitting there on his golden throne in a room full of impressionable young minds did not help her temper.

    "You have a lot of explaining to do Albus to many names for me to care Dumbledore. Starting with where the bloody hell my niece is and who the bloody hell gave you the right to choose her fate!?"

       Cordelias voice raised at the end of of her question as her magic crackled out of her in a display of agitation. She had been approaching the head table as she spoke and was now standing a few feet before the staff table starring the old man down. The students leaned forward in awe of the young woman who was willing to go against the venerable headmaster the greatest wizard of their time.

      Dumbledore smiled genially down at the young woman his eyes twinkling trying to gain control of the situation.

    "Now, now my dear girl this is not the time nor place for suc-"

    He was cut off by a sharp laugh from the young woman as her wand was quickly pointed in the mans direction her eyes blazing.

    "First off I am not your dear girl , not now not ever. Second I don't give a bloody damn if this is the place for this or not. At least here like this you can't try and talk your way out of giving me the information I demand. Finally you will sit down and answer me now or so help me Dumbledore you will not like how this will end."

    She hissed out her words at the elderly man who slowly sat in his throne silently fuming on the inside at the shear disrespect this young woman was showing him. Cordelia Lyra Potter had always been a thorn always questioning his every move and steering her fathers votes away from the greater good. It was the sharp brogue of McGonagall that took the young woman's attention off of him.

"Young lady I don't know who you think you are but I would appreciate it if you'd put your wand down and leave these premises!"

Raising her brow Cordelia gave a slight nod in the strict deputy headmistress's direction before lowering her wand to her side.

Return of the Wandering PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora