"Why are you even back yet?" Phasma asked as she put the empty cup on the counter and closed her eyes for a moment to get rid of the aftertaste.

"The conference ended early. There was no need to stay," Hux stated as he wiped the countertop.

"You had a free day in Florida and you didn't take it?!" Phasma looked at her roommate incredulously.

"I don't know if you noticed Phas but I'm a ginger." Hux gestured towards himself. "The sun agrees with me as much as a Killerwhale agrees with a sea lion."

Phasma rolled her eyes as Hux dramatically continued "I'm like a peach! I bruise easily, I'd peel! I'd need SPF 40000 just to walk in the rays of Helios! If you don't want a raisin for a roommate...."

"Alright Hux! I get the picture!" Phasma exclaimed. "Do you want to know what happened or are you going to spout poems next about ginger skin!"

Hux leaned forward slightly to hear the story. His roommate wasn't drunk often but when she was interesting things happened around her. He glanced back at the still knocked out giant Porg.... He meant Ren..... Porg Ren? Kylo Porg?..... What was he even supposed to call this?

"So we were at Poe's party last night," Phasma tells which caused Hux to raise a brow. Poe's parties were always the talk of the town though he had only gone once and once was enough for him. No amount of drunken foolishness could convince him to go back.

"Did he have the indoor ball pit again?" Hux asked. He was still a bit curious. That ball pit seemed to be the highlight for most parties.

"Nah," Phasma grinned. "It was an indoor bouncy castle this time."

"PHAS!!!" Kylo called as he sat on her couch. "You done yet?!"

"No!" Phasma shouted from her room. "I need to look good!"

"You always look fabulous!" Kylo, who was wearing all black, shouted back. "But the party started an hour ago! If you take this long to put on your face Rey will get bored and leave before we're even there."

There was some stumbling and cursing from the bedroom but Phasma emerged minutes later sporting a black strapless cocktail dress and a clutch purse. She twirled before Kylo who gave her a thumbs up. Kylo then smirked as he and Phasma were out the door soon. Using Rey always worked since his blond friend had a major crush.

They decided to take Phasma's car, which was a Mini-Cooper because Kylo's vehicle was in the shop. Kylo, however, wasn't overly fond of the small car because he had little leg room though his friend swears that she could fit eight clowns in there. Kylo really wanted to prove her wrong but first, he would have to find eight clowns. The drive altogether took about fifteen minutes and Phasma parked not so far away from Poe's place which was a studio apartment.

The music got louder as they got closer to the right floor. There was an arrow sign pointing to a door decorated with flashing lights that said 'Get your Boogie on'. Kylo knocked on the door and it swung open. Now they could see the mass of bodies inside and....... Kylo raised his brows at the bouncy castle in the middle of the room. The last party it had been a disco floor. Before that, it was a ball pit, or was it a giant monopoly board. He couldn't quite remember.

"Well...... points for originality," Phasma heard Kylo mutter.

"Phas-baby! Kylo!" The host exclaimed as he moved through the throng of gyrating people with practiced ease. Now it was Phasma's turn to raise her brows at Poe's colorful wardrobe choice. He wore a bright orange shirt, white khakis, and had donned a pink feathery boa around his neck all while holding his poodle, BeeBee. "You came!"

Up a creek with only a Porg (oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now