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    Nature and self of a person are closely linked to each other. Through different experiences from nature, a person is able to realize their own self. Life is a set of goals, as one goal is accomplished there would be another goal waiting. One gains experience through the accomplishment of these goals which leads a person towards self-realization.

 Nature, was not an escape or a shirking of responsibilities for Siddhartha but as a path of self-discovery and fulfillment, to become a moral person, a person of goodness, and create a moral peaceful world for himself

Nature guides Siddhartha's towards self-realization and makes Siddhartha experience and learn different things through nature. Nature affects Siddhartha's inner self of a person and also it shows different bitter experiences of his life. Nature brings back Siddhartha from illusions to the world of reality and helps him in bringing self-realization.

Nature also brings together the unity of Siddhartha's experiences. His eventual philosophy relates to all the trials he has put himself through, from a Samana to a merchant. On one hand, ascetism showed him the denial of physical needs, which is an attempt to overcome the natural world. On the other is the materialism of business and sex, which Siddhartha found in the town, centers on the other extreme: what you can get from and enjoy from the natural world. Siddhartha's ultimate philosophy, like the vision of the stone's many incarnations, involves learning from the natural world and realizing its fundamental unity.

      Nature, was not an escape or a shirking of responsibilities for Siddhartha but as a path of self-discovery and fulfillment, to become a moral person, a person of goodness, and create a moral peaceful world for himself

Nature guides Siddhartha's towards self-realization and makes Siddhartha experience and learn different things through nature. Nature affects Siddhartha's inner self of a person and also it shows different bitter experiences of his life. Nature brings back Siddhartha from illusions to the world of reality and helps him in bringing self-realization.

Nature also brings together the unity of Siddhartha's experiences. His eventual philosophy relates to all the trials he has put himself through, from a Samana to a merchant. On one hand, ascetism showed him the denial of physical needs, which is an attempt to overcome the natural world. On the other is the materialism of business and sex, which Siddhartha found in the town, centers on the other extreme: what you can get from and enjoy from the natural world. Siddhartha's ultimate philosophy, like the vision of the stone's many incarnations, involves learning from the natural world and realizing its fundamental unity.

   Nature has an impact on the minds of human beings regarding self-realization. A strong connection gets established between the inner thoughts or conflicts of a person and the external environment. Nature acts as a teacher, as a healer also as a guide to human beings. Through Nature's components a person can learn about his own potential and abilities. It is obvious that Siddhartha has many guides such as the Samanas , Kamala and the Buddha "Gautama" that ultimately led to self-discovery and his enlightenment.

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