Chapter 10

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Andrea was surprisingly looking forward to the individual session with the game makers. She had already sent in a personal request to the staffers that set up the room, knowing that they still adored the girl. Because of her excitement, Andrea was the first one up as she began to eat some of the oranges they had sliced for her. She always wanted to thank the Avoxes but knew that if she were to acknowledge them in any way, that they would be the ones to receive punishment. Smokey was the next to exit the room, dressed head to toe in silks stained grays. It seemed as though the man was trying to look like his namesake as his hair looked like a puff of smoke. 

"Absolutely adore the outfit," Andrea told the man knowing it would make his day as Smokey always loved to be praised for his style. 

"Oh you're a doll," Smokey responded as he sat down, ready to eat. "Do you think you're ready for the scoring?"

"Absolutely! I actually sent in a special request so I could make my session stand out, not that I'd need it. My presence alone is enough of an attention grabber when it comes to these men." 

"Ha!" Smokey laughed, "that's what I like to hear!" 

"Oh look who finally decided to join us," Andrea called out as Joseph emerged from his room. 

Joseph threw a glare her way before saying, "cut the crap, I barely slept." 

"Well if you were really getting desperate I'm sure a certain someone would like you to join them in their bed," Andrea smirked as her brother began to turn red. 

"Oh Andrea, you know I need my beauty rest," Smokey joked making the two siblings laugh as they knew the man was aware they weren't talking about him, but Smokey wouldn't have minded if Joseph did find the escort attractive. That was the thing about Smokey, as long as someone was constantly dressed nice, he found them the most attractive people in Panem. 

"I think its time you two head down," Barric told the pair. 

They nodded and once the elevator doors closed, Joseph rested his head on her shoulder. "This is getting exhausting," Joseph admitted to his sister and Andrea had to agree. 

By the time the siblings got to the Canteen, it seemed like everyone else had already been in the room for a while. "Finally!" Johanna shouted out as the rest of the room laughed. 

"I'm sorry for the hold up everyone. Little Joey over here needed his beauty sleep," Andrea teased as she reached up to ruffle her brother's hair only to be stopped by his swatting hand. 

The pair decided to sit next to Finnick and Mags and for the next few hours, the group of tributes joke about what they're going to do in front of the game makers. 

"How do you think my singing will fare on the scoreboard?" Chaff asked before trying to belt out a song, only for it to sound offkey. 

"A perfect twelve for sure Chaff!" Andrea hollered back at the man who gave her a cheeky smile. 

"Well, I think I'm just going to strip. Hey Peeta, what would you give me if I were to do it as a score?" Johanna asked, making Andrea raise an eyebrow but just shrugged, knowing that she was fairly bold when it came to trying to get under people's skin. 

"Sorry Johanna but the cut on your stomach will cause points to be deducted," Peeta told the woman, making her laugh. Andrea then thought back to the cut that she knew Johanna got from Antonia before she killed the young girl. That was the thing about these people, while they were all great people to get along with, they were all killers, and that meant that each cut came with a backstory. 

"You still have that cut? Didn't they make you put that healing cream on it?" Andrea asked, genuinely confused as to why she wasn't as smooth as a baby's bottom. 

"Oh they didn't give me whatever you got Ramirez. Whatever you got must've been miracle cream because from the cuts you got in the game it's a miracle your face is as pretty as it is.," Johanna remarked, using her finger to slice from cheek to cheek, replicating Andrea's cuts before the game continued. Katniss and Peeta threw Andrea a confused look but she wasn't about to explain the scars she no longer physically had. Looking at Finnick, Andrea could tell this hurt him too when it was brought up, thinking back to what he saw all those years ago in Andrea's apartment. 

"Well I'm just going to take a nap," Mags decided, making those that could understand the woman laugh. 

"What're you going to do when you see your former friends?" Brutus asked Andrea, not bothering to sugarcoat the question. 

"Come on Brutus you know I'll be unforgettable no matter what I do," Andrea brushed off the question, letting others talk about what they might do during their session. 

She then turned towards Katniss and leaned into her ear before whispering, "and what tricks do you have up your sleeve this year Kitty Kat? Because trying to shoot another turkey won't do you any good this year." The Girl on Fire refused to respond but Andrea could tell that the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. 

Andrea waited until her name was called. The girl was bubbling with anticipation as she entered a familiar room. She forgot how big it was as Andrea wasn't used to seeing it from this angle any longer. "Hello boys, did ya miss me?" Andrea called towards the twelve men that seemed to loom above her. The men wouldn't meet her gaze but once she spotted the items she requested, the smile on her face seemed to beam. 

Andrea went to work as she grabbed the props, continuing to set them up, putting the items in a line, making sure to have them face the game makers as they could see from their perch what she was doing. Her hand was stained red by the time she reached for the scythe on the wall of weapons. And that was when she sliced through the props, making them look mutilated. Once Andrea turned around to face the game makers, their eyes were wide, making Andrea feel utterly fulfilled. 

From the game makers' point of view, they saw thirteen dummies, each with their own names written on them, and cuts from the scythe all over the bodies. Andrea made sure to make some worse than others based on how cruel they were to her or how cruel they were to the tributes during games, making sure to make two dummies almost unrecognizable. The one with the name Kelton Weatherby had cuts all over the face and neck, but she made sure to carve into the dummy's crotch, still remembering the pain and suffering she felt those few times he had joined in. The only other dummy that had gotten a worse ending had the name Yoldin Val. She wanted to show that one death was not enough for this man as he was an evil creature. 

"I once told you all that I didn't deserve to be down here, ripe for the killing of other tributes. Well, it seems like you boys didn't listen. I'm down here so your lazy asses are down here too." Andrea took a breath before she continued, "you think you can hide behind the barrier, but you'll need more than that to keep your life." 

Andrea began to walk out, but before she did, she turned her head and with a smirk, said, "oh and if you need me to submit the scores for you idiots, just let me know." 

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