Engaged?? Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

In the hospital…

Third Person's POV:

Taehyung was massaging her mother's head when the door creaked and flung open to reveal Jungkook. Taehyung smiled but got confused by seeing the girl besides him, holding a bouquet.

"How is Aunt?" Jungkook asked sitting on the visitor's chair.

"Well, I am alright. But tell my son to stop giving me that syrup_" Taehee was going to continue when Taehyung cut her in middle.

"She is better than before but still not fully recovered. So I am not going to stop giving her the syrup." Taehyung said.

Jungkook nodded.

"I agree with Taehyung. You should take your medications." Jungkook said smiling.

"Two against one! Not fair!" Taehee said making them both laugh. Jennie cleared her throat, sought to be introduced.

"Oh yeah, I am sorry Jennie." Jungkook said getting up and going towards Jennie.

"This is Jennie, my best friend right from childhood. Jennie this is Aunt Taehee and this is Taehyung, Aunt Taehee's son." Jungkook introduced, putting both of his palms on Jennie's shoulder. She smiled. Taehyung smiled in return.

"I hope you get alright soon, Aunt Taehee!" Jennie said putting the bouquet carefully on the bedside table. Taehee nodded.

"Amen to that." Jungkook prayed.

"So I shall take a leave! Bye!" Jennie said getting up and giving a fake smile.

"Bye Aunt, Bye Tae!" Helia said, bade them a goodbye with smile, a true one.

After a week, at Jungkook's home….

Taehyung's POV:

"Mom, are you alright?" I asked as mom shivered.

"I am alright. Go and call your uncle." Mom said still shivering.

"But mom, it's going to be 1'o clock of night. They would be sleeping." I justified.

"Please Tae. Do what is told to you." Mom said. I nodded and went out to find Uncle's room. I was searching for his room when Jungkook came from the other side.

"Where are you going? Is everything fine?" He asked.

"Everything is alright. Mom wanted to talk to Uncle. Where is his room?" I asked.

"It's in the corner, but I will go call him. You should stay with Aunt." He said. I nodded and went. After a minute or two Uncle came.

"Is everything alright?" Uncle asked worriedly.

"Yes it is. I wanted to have a talk with you. Sweetie, would you please go out?" Mom asked.

"Sure, mom." I said going out of the room.

Taehee's POV:

"Junghe come and sit beside me." I said to him. He came and sat down on my side.

"There's no hope that I will be safe. I don't know how many days I will be living. It is certain that I am counting my last breaths." I said mournfully.

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