"Andrei" It was a she and the voice sounded so vaguely familiar. Andrei looked down.


He cleared his throat, releasing her waist when she was able to straighten up her posture. "Thank you for being here in this event," his voice came out hesitant.

"Oh Andrei, if you haven't noticed, which you clearly haven't " the woman chuckled. "I was always present ever since it's opening" After a pause, the woman smiled.

"How have you been?" She hesitantly asked, rubbing her arm nervously and not being able to make eye contact with him.

Andrei raised his brow at the gesture. He knew she was nervous. Maybe she thought that he would ignore her. "I'm good" he replied curtly.

After a few seconds, Natalia released a sigh, swallowing the lump of uneasiness, now able to look at him in the eye. "Look, Andrei, I need to talk to you about something. Can you spare me a minute of your time"

What she was asking was easy for him to decline but there was something about the urgency in her voice that made him agree. "Okay," he directed with a sweeping gesture to a quieter place where they wouldn't garner any attention.

From a distance, Serenity saw this and surprisingly she wasn't even worried in the least or jealous- well, that's what she thought- 

She was not to think about this kind of stuff but still, her brain thought of the girl as Andrei's lover. Rolling her eyes, she frowned at their behavior, more like his behavior.

How pathetic, not even halfway through the event and he couldn't keep it in his pants anymore. How unprofessional. Talk about being unfaithful and he's already, ugh. What a hypocrite he is. Who cares if he uhhhmm... do it with her.

As long as he would do it discretely so no one will suspect!. She gently massaged her forehead. Gods, I need champagne.

"What is it that you want Natalia?" Andrei was the first to speak when they reach a corner.

"Look. I wanted to apologize for my actions" she stopped and Andrei had to raise his brows to question her about what she was talking about.

"My actions which consisted of running after you. Uhhhmm..." She hesitated. "Looking like a desperate woman and trying to seduce you even though you are married. I know it's unethical for a woman with class but I just thought that we could have a shot after uhhhmmm the night that we shared in the past."

Andrei pondered at her words for a bit and he chose to remain silent.

"It turns out I was wrong. I know you're happy with your life and I promise I won't interfere with your marriage" she sounded so sincerely genuine yet he still didn't utter a word.

At this point, Natalia's losing all hope. She knew in the first place that Andrei was hard to budge but nevertheless, she still took the risk and talk to him, now she had to bear the consequences of his silence. "Please speak a word, Andrei. I want to make amends"

"What finally made you realize that we will never have a chance" his words pierced through her heart like knives stabbing it multiple times. Even though she's ready to forget about him and move on with her life, there was still a huge part in her heart that loves him no matter what. Besides, he was the one who took her virginity that night- not out of force, but with her consent.

"I don't really know. I just Uhm..." She sighed. "I guess I want to move on with my life with my child"

This caught Andrei's attention. "Am I... your child's father" He guessed it wasn't wrong to confirm his assumption. There was a nagging feeling in his heart that urges him to clarify the truth. He remembered Natalia was a virgin when they did it and he was too drunk to even bother to use protection. Gods, he'll be doomed. His heart was already telling him to prepare for the worst.

Natalia's eyes grew wide "No, no, no. You're not" she replied almost quickly. Still, Andrei couldn't manage to release a sigh of relief. He was still way too tense.

"How can you be so sure about that?"

Natalia hesitated for a moment. Her face becoming flustered as she chewed at her bottom lip sheepishly. "I was drunk and did it again two years after we..." She was too shy to continue.

Andrei nodded, finally being able to relax. After some time he spoke again. "I forgive you Natalia and I'm glad you're moving on with your life. So, I'll see you around then. Please, enjoy the night"

Her eyes glinted with joy and her stiff shoulders that were way too tense before now seemed to hunch a bit out of relaxation.

"Thank you, Andrei"

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