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Izzie's POV.

I grab my bag as tears ran down my face.My mom somehow found out about me and Casey and she was pissed that I was in a relationship with a girl.I threw any peice of clothing into my bag and ran out of my house.Tears streamed down my face as I could remember how my mom called me a 'lesbo' and a 'disapoitment'.

All I wanted now is to be in Casey's arms so I made my way to her house.

After about 30 mintues,I was standing outside Casey's house.I walked up to the front door and knocked on it.I heared someone stumble down the stairs and soon the door opened and out came Casey.

"Hi".I quietly mumbled and she must of saw the tears of my face because she pulled me into a tight hug while I sobbed into her chest.I felt her close the door and we just stood there while she hugged.

"Do you want to go upstairs?".She asked and I nodded.She grabbed my hand and gently pulled me upstairs.We got to her room and she closed her door and we sat on the bed.Tears still stained my cheeks. even thought I calmed down a bit.She bought her hand to my cheeks and wiped away the tears and pulled me closer to her.She leaned back onto her pillows while I lay my head on her chest.

"What happened?".She softly asked,"You don't have to tell me now but just tell me if you need to stay the night".She kissed my forehead and looked into my eyes.

I sat up a bit and bit my lip to stop me from crying."M-my mim....she uhm..
she saw us,I don't know how,maybe she was walking by last night when we went on the date,but she uhm....kicked me out".I said quietly and tears stung my eyes again.

"She did what?".Casey asked and I looked down.Casey pulled me close and I rested my head in the crook of her neck while a tear rolled down my cheek."Hey,don't cry,everything's gonna be alright",She said while she put her forehead on mine,"I forehead promise".When she said that I caused a weak smile appear on my face.

"You can stay here for as long as you want".She said while I put my head onto her chest again.

"My sibling are at my grandma's but she doesn't have enough space so I didn't know where to go".I whispered under my breath but just enough for her to hear me.She looked down at me and said,"I already said you can stay here as long as you want.My family loves you more than they love me anyways".I giggled and put my arms around her waist.

We sat there for a while before we heard the front door open.Casey looked down at me and smiled,"Do you want to go downstairs?".She asked and I nodded.We got up from the bed and we went downstairs.

Her parents were in the kitchen doing something and suddenly I felt...out of place.I felt like I was invading there home and I just felt odd.

I grabbed Casey's arm and I quickly said,"I don't have to stay here,I could just go to my nan's".She gave me a look of sympathy and said,"Your staying here and that's final,now let's go tell my parents".I sighed,nodded and smiled lightly.

"Hey parents,what you got us?".Said Casey as she wondered into the kitchen and interwined out fingers together."Oh Izzie,we didn't know you were here".Said Mrs.Gardner.

I was about to say something before Casey interupted me because she knew what I was about to say,"About that,can Izzie stay for a bit....uhm I don't know if she is comoftarble with me telling you...",She looked at me and I gave her 'You can tell them' look.She sighed and said,"Her uhm....her mom saw us and she uhm....kicked her out".She said quietly but enough for her parents to hear and my heart dropped a bit at the memory of my mom screaming at me.

"Oh".Said her dad and he gave me a look of sympathy."Izzie can stay here for as long as she wants".Said Casey's mom and I gave her a thankful smile,"Thank you so much,Mrs.Gardner".

"You can call me Elsa,you are practically family".Said Casey's mom and I smiled and nodded."Uhm...we're gonna go back up stairs".Said Casey while she pulled me to her room.

She shut her door and I bit my lip awkwardly.I stood in the middle of her room playing with my hands."What's wrong?I mean apart from the shit that's going on with your mom".Asked Casey while she walked closer to me and looked down at me.

"I don't know,I guess I just feel...out of place".I said sighing.She put her hands on my waist and pulled me closer.I gasped and she said,"My home is your home".My eyes travelled from her eyes to her lips and before I knew it her lips were on mine and it was as if all my problems disappeard.

I put my hand on her cheek and pulled her face closer to me.I pulled away a bit before walking fowards and pushing her onto the bed.She smirked before I joined our lips together.I knew we had to stop before things would get out of control but it just felt right in that moment.I felt her bite my lips slightly and my hands tangled in her hair.

"Hey Casey have you se-oh shit".We heard someone say which made me fly off of Casey and land on the floor."I'm so sorry...prented I never came in but don't you do...you know".Said Elsa and Casey,"Mom!!".Elsa quickly shut the door and I looked up at Casey from the floor.Our eyes met and we starting laughing straight away.

I got up from the floor and I walked towards Casey's bed.I plopped down on it and I sat next to her.

"Want to watch a movie?".I asked and she quickly said,"No your gonna fall alseep staight away".

I gently slapped her arm and said,"No I won't".She scoffed and replied,"Yeah right".Finally,after mintues of me pleading for us to watch a movie,she gave in and we settled down to watch a movie.

And finally I felt like I was safe.

Sorry this chapter was so short,I'll try to make the next one longer.

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