You.....could never

Start from the beginning

"I'll do it for you" I said "fine I give up" she said laying down and lifting up her shirt so I can only see her burn but her hands got in the way so I had to put them to her side. "Dude just take off your shirt" I said getting annoyed "you can see perfectly fine" she retorted "omg you pissing me off" I said grabbing both ends of her shirt and pulling them til they rip "what the fuck" she said trying to cover up but rubbing the burns will make them worse "stop touching your stomach" I yelled at her and she just looked at me "you're upsetting me right now so if you don't mind just laying here so I can help you. That would be nice" I yelled at her "ok sorry" she replied and I saw a little fear in her eyes which I didn't like

"I didn't mean to yell" I said and she just ignored me close her eyes. "This might burn a little" I said pouring a little alcohol on her stomach I clean it "sorry" I said as we winced as the burning sensation "can you stand up to I can bandage you up" I asked her and she got up without saying anything  "this is cooling" I told her smiling and she didn't even look at me "are you going to ignore me" I asked and she still didn't respond "ok then" I said "well there you go" I said standing up in front of her "I'll see you out there" I said but her head was still in her hands

"Thank you" she said "no problem Kenz" I said pushing her lightly on the shoulder "I find it strange your always so happy" she said out of nowhere "it's ok not to be ok" she said "well Im in a good place right now" I shrugged "it all depends on your mindset" I told her "it's more than just for mindset. People play a part in it. Your residence, all that type of stuff" she said confused but thankfully she took her head out of her hands "I'm surrounded by great people. I met this super cool girl who I had a huge crush on the first day I met her which was pretty embarrassing" I smiled down at her

"Her sister seems to like me which is nice since sisters aren't really my biggest fans" I laughed and Kenzie laughed with me "me and this girl are super crazy and have a lot of baggage but I think we balanced each other out" I said "tell me more about this girl" she smiled "well she's 15 almost 16. She had too many siblings. She's very smart and kind but you will only know that if you get to know her" I said pulling her closer "she has a boyfriend and they are pretty good friends if I do say so myself. They put their lives on paper which is right here" I said grabbing the paper from behind her "mine now" I whispered to her

"This girl is also very pretty. She has brown hair,brown eyes, a really pretty face. And when you look in the mirror..." I turned us around so she's facing the mirror "she's 100 times more pretty" I said and she just laughed "I'm sorry this isn't funny but the fact that This is cutely cringe is funny" she laughed which made me laugh "it's fine I'm not good at speeches or cute conversations" I chuckled "I think you did great" she turned around "thank you" I kissed her hair "I can't really go out with no shirt" she pointed out and I turned red "oh right"

"Herr you can take my shirt and I'll just wear my sweatshirt" I said pulling a shirt out of my pocket "and why don't you have a shirt on" she asked pulling it over her head "well I had my PE shirt on since it's awkward to change in front of everyone and this was my shirt for after PE but we ended up just watch a film so no nerd to change" I explained and she nodded obviously not caring "so you just had another shirt on instead" she furrowed her brows "yeah pretty much" I shrugged and she just nodded before walking out and I followed her but she stopped me "come out In like a minute so it won't seem like we did anything" she said and I nodded understanding

Kenzie POV
"Are you all good now" my mom asked "yup" I replied "can you go get me my work phone out of the car I totally forgot to tell them I would be out of town" my mom asked and I nodded as a guard followed me "she does realize her car isn't here" I said to the guard and he just shrugged "give her a minute" he said teasingly "you idiot" I heard someone yell as I saw a board rolling my way "sorry about that" he said running up to me "no it's all good" I said picking it up noticing it's in the best stake. Not too new not too old "I like the skull on the back" I said handing it to him "thanks. I fee like they are the base of a board ya know" he explained

"Yeah mine is the same but a big skull with roses" I explained "can you show me a few things" he asked "if I'm allowed to" I said motioning the cop "I mean you aren't going any drugs so I guess" he said sitting down on a bench right infront of the window "so do you know how to do a kick flip" I asked and he didn't respond obviously embarrassed "you show me and I'll correct you" I told him smiling and he did as I said. I saw that his foot was too far back causing the board to fling back "you have a good form your foot is just too far back" I said rolling it closer to me "watch closely" I said acting serious which caused him to laugh. I casually did it making sure I didn't look scared as hell "damn" he said "you looked super scared" he said and I laughed

We talked for about 5 minutes before I heard a beat getting made "that's really cool" i complement him "can you sing" he asked "sorta. I mean I'm not the worst" I said flipping my hair playfully "someone's cocky" he said "I try" I laugh and he smiles at me "I've seen you somewhere" the older one said "I don't really live her so that's weird" I said confused "you're with that crazy people group" he said "we prefer mentally insane. But yeah" I said trying to lighten the mood "sorry" he said "no it's fine I don't really care what you call us" I shrugged but he still felt bad "I'm one of the less crazy ones" I whispered to him and he smiled "why are you here anyways. Don't all the populars hangout at the mall" he glared quickly changing his mood

"One I'm definitely not popular. I don't deal with posh princess I beat their asses. And Two the only reason I'd be at the mall would be for food" I corrected and he smirked "your boyfriend is pretty popular" he said "he's his own person and whatever he did has nothing to be with me and I definitely don't surround myself with his type of people" I said and he held out his fist so I can bump them "respect" he said which made me laugh "soooooo you sing" they said "I sing for fun definitely not for anything" I said messing with the skateboard on the ground

"can you may-" he got interrupted by my mom "Mackenzie it's been 15 minutes get back in here" she said "I'll see you at school and maybe we can hangout" I said Before going back inside "you could have just came back in" she said and I rolled my eyes "I was just talking to people sue me" I threw my hands up "yeah sue her" Jacob said walking in "those guys are super cool" Maddie said shrugging "Madison" my mom groaned "yeah don't talk to them Mackenzie" she said trying to be strict "or do whatever you want it's not like you're gonna listen" she said and my mom glared at her "you're right"

"So what were you even doing" she asked "he slipped and I knows him how to do a kick flip then they started talking. They then asked me if I was apart of the mental center thing and we had a lot in common it wasn't that deep" I explained "the shortest ones cute" Jacob whispered to me "I know right" I said casually "did you get his number" he asked trying to be quiet "no but I will just for you" I whispered back and we did put little handshake "I heard them say you can sing" Annie said "they asked and I told them I can sing a little bit" I shrugged "I'm concerned with the fact that they are complete strangers" my mom said "oh my god. Shut up nothing happened" I yelled at her and everyone look taken back

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell" I said "it's fine" Jacob said and we glared at him and he just sunk into his chair. "Soda that's what I need" Hayden said standing up and annie got up trying to rush but they almost fell and it was like a train of people til it got to me "I made this so awkward" I said putting ice in my hand and eating it "you stress eat ice" Annie questioned "oh shut up" I said throwing ice at her "missed" she said as it hit Hayden and he fell into the karaoke machine and it started blasting music and everyone looked at him "hey I just got ice thrown at me" he put up his hand and everyone turned to me "I'm stress eating" I said "why don't you eat real food" she asked "#skinny" Jacob said

"Is no one going to help me" Hayden said "oh right we still have this one" I scoffed and he flipped me off
"Mackenzie help your brother" my mom said and all I did was punch it then it turned off "wow so hard" I said and he flipped me off again "I feel like every time you punch something it stops" Annie said "let's see" in said punching Jacob "did you know your sister has a boyfriend" my mom said and everyone laughed except me and Johnny we just turned red "why does this always happen to me" I ask

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