A Short Chapterlet Starring Sherlock and John

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Because pinterest comment section doesn't have enough word capacity for the imagnation

"Jawn!" Sherlock yells, pounding at the door. "Mrs. Hudderson!" He tries again. Nothing. No one. Not one sound.

Mind palace convo

"Honestly brother, why you don't have a spare key.." Mycroft chides. "Shut up Mycroft." Sherlock mumbles

"I know you're there -you're bugged-" Sherlock shouts.

"...of course you'd bug me."

"Jawn it's absolutely frigid out here! I- I won't slip a concoction of any sorts into your food"

John snorts a laugh.

"..or drink."




"You could just propose your way in."

"Propose. Why would I?- that was once.. and I didn't even like her?"

"Well it worked, right."

"Yes, up until getting in and finding them knocked unconscious and surrounded by-"



"I. Was. There."

"Oh right. Of course."



"Please let me in?"


"I haven't gotten a ring.."

"Make do"

*swallows* bit quieter "allright"

"Will you, Jawn Hamish Watson.. marry me?"

*An unbolting sound can be heard as John swings the door open*
"See that wasn't so hard," he says laughing.

Sherlock stumbles in shivering dramatically "I need coffeeee"

"Then make it."


"You're plotting something."

"Well, technically we are engaged.."

"Sherlock that was for prank-"

"And this is just paying for letting me freeze my arse off"

And then Sherlock leans in slowly eyes wide open just to make absolute sure that this is okay even tho John had been an arse then lip meet lip and passion seeps in soft deep passionate they stop breathless entangled in eachother forehead upon forehead- and well let's just say John warmed a lot more then his mouth later

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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