Chapter 13 - Children

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The plane ride was fun as Rosita and Gunter talked to Nancy about making a record of songs about getting married and a happy life. Nancy couldn't have been more thrilled. 

"O.M.G Yes!" She says but then gets a call. She gets up, walking off and answers it. Rosita then looks at Gunter. 

"Gunter. Thank you." Rosita said and leaned her head on his shoulder. 

"For what Rosita?" He asked and leaned his head on hers.

"For everything." She said. He smiles and gave her hand a light squeeze. 

"Your welcome." He said but then moved his head. Rosita looked and saw Nancy walking back but she didn't look happy as she sat down. Rosita sat up. 

"Nancy?" Rosita asked. She looked at her and looked sad. 

"It's your children. They were taken from Norman." Nancy said. Rosita's heart dropped. 

"What?" She asked. Gunter held her hand tighter.

"That was Child protective services. It seems he left them alone at home. I told them you were flying back now and she would meet you at the airport." Nancy said. 

"How long?" Rosita asked. Nancy was silent. 

"How long did he leave them alone?" Rosita asked in a firm tone. Nancy looked sad. 

"Two days." Nancy said. Rosita looked calm but Gunter and Nancy knew she was pissed. She was silent the rest of the plane ride and once they landed, she walked off, holding Gunters hand and Nancy was behind them. She then saw a Gorilla. 

"Roista?" She asked. Rosita gave a nod. 

"Where as my children and my sorry excuse of an ex husband?" Rosita asked. 

"My name is Gill. Your children are save and your ex husband is still missing. I'm here to collect you and have you sign some papers in front of a judge to get custody. Can i take up about an hour of your time?" Gill asked. 

"You can take as long as you need. Rosita, Gunter, call me after." Nancy said. Rosita gave a nod and Gill turned. Rosita and Gunter followed her to a car and got in. They drove to a court house and walked in. Once in, she saw her children. 

"Mommy!" They yelled. she fell to her knees and they ran into her arms. 

"Oh my pigglets. I'm so sorry." She cried and moved looking at them. They looked malnourished. 

"What did he and Emma do to you?" She asked. 

"Mommy, Dad left Emma soon after we saw you last." One said. She looked at the judge and stood. 

"Rosita. Please, step forward." He said. He was a Llama. Rosita did and in one hour, she had her children back. She looked at Gunter, who was keeping her children busy but also saw Gill. She walked up to her. 

"Gill, who called you?" Rosita asked. Gill was silent.

"I can't tell you." Gill said and left. Rosita sighed. 

"Mommy. It was Emma." One of her boys said. Rosita gave a nod. 

"Well lets go thank her after we eat." Rosita said and they left the court room. Her children looked happy that they were going to go see Emma that they refused to eat and even told her how to get there. Once at her house, her children ran over and knocked on the door. She looked at the house. It was like her house but a bit smaller. The door opened and she saw Emma, who smiled and fell to her knees, hugging the children. 

"Oh Thank goodness." She said and looked, seeing Rosita. She then stood. 

"Want to come in? I made dinner." Emma said. Rosita gave a nod and they all walked in while her children ran in and sat at the table. Emma served them a huge portion and walked over to Rosita and Gunter. 

"I'm sorry. I tried to leave with them and he kicked me out. I lost touch with them because of it but then one day i saw him out with a women and no children. I went to his house and heard them. They were talking about food and when daddy would be home." Emma said. Rosita moved and hugged her. 

"Thank you." Rosita said. Emma hugged her back. 

"Mommy? Can we have a sleep over with Momma Emma?" Her children asked. Rosita smiled. 

"I have a better idea." Rosita said and looked at Gunter. 

That night, Rosita and Gunter let Emma have a joint custody. She would watch them while they were on tour and working. That equaled to about seventy percent of the time. After that, they would be with Rosita. Norman was picked up, three days later and charged with endangerment to children and throw in jail. 

Emma was Rosita maid of honor at hers and Gunters wedding. 

Rosita and Gunter performed till they retired and never were apart. 

Rosita showed Gunter how to love again. 

Gunter showed Rosita that she could be loved again.

The End

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