Chapter 4 - Reality.

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"Can you believe him Gunter?" Rosita asked loudly as she filled the cart with grocery's. Gunter knew better then too answer. 

"He keeps me from sing around the world with you, cheats on me, and now he wants to take my children! God its like that "Before he Cheats" song!" She yells. 

"He really is a jerk dinkle-shplat." Gunter said and put some food into his cart. Rosita nods. 

"Yes he is. He now isn't even coming home. He's with her and the children are asking about him. What can I tell them? That his sleeping with another women?" Rosita asks and then sighs and Gunter see's tears. 

"Rosita, please don't cry. Maybe I can help." Gunter says. Rosita looks at him.

"Well, I haven't had time to find a job other then my online one. Maybe if you watch the kids, I can go look for an hour." Rosita says. She knew with Norman gone, she will have to work for then just her online job. Gunter smiles.

"Leave it to me. I will watch them for two hours, ya?" Gunter says. Rosita lets out a small laugh.

"Thank you Gunter, for everything." She says. Gunter smiles and they pay for the grocery's. Gunter helps her carry them and they both arrive at her home. Gunter helps her put her items away. 

"The kids will be back in a few minutes. I will go and find a job. Thank you Gunter. Your a true friend." Rosita says. Gunter waves and she runs off. She tried everywhere, even asking Moon. No one was hiring right now. Moon didn't even have a job but he told her she would be the first one he calls. Rosita held back tears as she walked back home. Once in, she saw Gunter reading to her children.

"And then the biggest pig said, Someone sat In my chair!" He said and the kids laughed. Gunter then saw Rosita. 

"Ah, Rosita. We were just doing Homework." Gunter said. Rosita gave a nod and tried to close the door, but a hand stopped it. 

"Rosita." Norman said. Rosita looked at him and gave a glare. 

"Dad!" Her children said and ran to him. He smiled as they all hugged him. 

"Hello my children. Go and play. I have to talk with Rosita." Norman said. The children all ran off. 

"What do you want Norman?" Rosita asked. Norman sighed and that's when she saw Emma. 

"Emma is moving in." Norman said. Rosita looked pissed. 

"Like I would allow that." Rosita said. Norman sighed and Emma smiled.

"You don't have a say. This is Normans house." Emma said. Rosita's face dropped. 

"What do you mean?" Gunter asked, walking up. 

"What she means is that the deed has my name on it. It's my house. Rosita, please gather your things and leave. I will give you an hour." Norman says before he closes the door. Rosita let out a sod. Gunter looked pissed.

"That...That...Runter rechts böse Sau!" Gunter says in his native tongue. Rosita fell to the floor and Gunter put his hand on her back.

"Rosita. Come, let me help you pack." He said but she didn't move. Gunter knew that Norman wouldn't give her more time so he did that only thing he could think of. He let her cry as he helped back her clothes. It got awkward when he had to find her under garments, but he did his best. Once he walked back in, Rosita had moved and was holding a large picture. He walked over an saw it was of her and all her children. 

"Norman took this picture." She said with tears. Gunter gently took it from her and placed it in her bag.

"I packed your suit case." He said. Rosita looked at him. She opened her mouth but the door opened. 

"It's been an hour. please leave my house before i have to call the police." Norman said. Rosita stood.

"No need." She said and walked out. Gunter looked at him. 

"Trottel." Gunter said before leaving. Norman looked confused but the closed the door and Rosita started to cry again. 

"What am I going to do?" She asked. Gunter hated to see his friend so sad.

"Why not stay with me?" Gunter asked.  

She Will be Loved. (Rosita x Gunter) | CompleteKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat