Chapter 9 - Painful Encore

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Gunter and Rosita give a bow and run off the stage. They were both wearing cowboy outfits as they just sang "Old Town Road".

"My goodness, that was so much fun!" Rosita said. Gunter smiled as she spun around and smiled.

"I'm glad you are having fun Rosita." They heard and looked, seeing Moon. She smiled but he wasn't smiling.

"What's wrong Moon?" Gunter asks. Moon looked back and they saw Nancy walk up.

"It's...well... Rosita, your ex is here, with his new girlfriend and your children." Nancy says. Rosita's smile dropped.

"W-What? But..But they were..." She said and Moon put up his paw.

"They did not get any tickets. I did not sell them any but they are waiting for you." Moon said. She looks at Gunter. He smiles.

"I can walk out with you." Gunter says. She nods and walks out with him. Nancy and Moon followed them also. Once out, they see Norman looking at the door and Emma handing out some carrots and waters to the children. That was till one of them saw her.

"Mommy!" She yells. The other look and they tackler her. Rosita smiled and laughs, hugging them all.

"Oh my little piglets." Rosita says and stands.

"What are you doing here?" Gunter asks. Rosita's smile fell and she looks at Norman and Emma.

"The kids wanted to see you." Emma said. Rosita looked at her.

"And they did. Now we have to go home and get dinner ready." Norman said. Emma looked at him.

"Norman. The children wish to see their mother." Emma said. That shocked Rosita but she shook it out of her mind.

"No, go. Gunter and I have to get dinner also." Rosita said.

"And talk to me about a tour." Nancy chimes in. Emma gave a nod and looked at the children.

"Come little ones. Lets go home and gets cleaned up. I'm making everyone's favorites." Emma said and her children had tears but walks with her. Rosita had tears. She felt Gunters hand on her shoulder and she turned into his and cried. He held her.

"There, there." Gunter said. He hated seeing her cry. He felt her hold him closer.

"Why?" Rosita asked. Gunter did not know why she was asking that.

"Why what?" Gunter asked. He had to know.

"Why did he leave me?" Rosita asked. That broke his heart.

She Will be Loved. (Rosita x Gunter) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now