four. hawaiian punch stains

Start from the beginning

Before Katherine gets the chance to defend herself, Elliot comes up behind them with water dripping from his face to which he grabs a napkin and dries himself off. Jesse and Katherine smile at their friend, but he doesn't seem too interested in the party. Katherine raises her brow and leans in closer to him, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Elliot shakes his head looking down at his friends cup. He smiles as he reaches for it but Jesse pulls away before he could touch it. Confused, he questions him, "What? It's Hawaiian Punch, right?"

"No, Kitty added vodka," Jesse moves the cup near his nose so he would be able to smell the alcohol. Elliot almost slaps the cup away the smell of it giving him a nausea feeling in his stomach. Jesse takes another gulp and Elliot scrunches his face up in disgust. Jesse shrugs, "It's pretty good."

"I'll make you a drink!" Katherine announces, spinning on her heel to pour in the small ingredients from Jesse's except the vodka. Elliot knows better than to refuse her offer and stands by to make sure she doesn't add anything that's alcoholic. When she finishes she shoves the drink in his hand with a satisfied smile and joins Jesse's side. "So, who's the lucky target tonight?"

"No one," Elliot states with a shrug. After his nose bleed and smelling the alcohol radiating off his friends, he'd rather watch over them than have sex in a random bedroom. He drinks from the cup and nods with a toothy smile, "Hey, this is really good!"

"Wait how come?" Jesse is already half way finished with the drink and could feel himself swaying from the alcohol. He wraps an arm around Elliot, "C'mon man, don't be boring! Have some fun."

"I'm just not feeling it," Elliot removes Jesse's arm from his shoulder and leans him against the counter behind them. He's dealt with his friends being drunk before, most likely an expert by now, but tonight just wasn't his night.

Katherine frowns slightly at her friends attitude, her mood deflating at his lack of excitement. She swirls the spiked punch around to create a whirlpool deciding its best to look down at it than question him. She had made herself a drink after finishing Elliot's so she could have fun with them but things don't seem to be going out like planned.

Elliot notices the frown on her face, nudging her with his shoe to grab her attention. The fact that his friends cared enough to ask what's wrong causes his chest to warmth. Elliot offers her a kind smile, "Hey, don't worry about it."

Before Katherine gets the chance to object, he grabs their drinks to set them down, and grabs Jesse's hand and Katherine's wrist dragging them towards the dancing area, pushing them forward. The two look back at him in curiosity, a sly smile plastered on his face, "Go on, I'll make sure the drinks are safe."

Jesse smiles in appreciation and Katherine simply rolls her eyes with red cheeks. The two dance awkwardly for what seems like hours until they're pushed further in the crowd and Elliot can no longer see them. For a second he leaves them alone, jugging down the punch, then his anxiety kicks in and he's practically pushing people out of the way to find his friends.

He spots the top of their heads, the two laughing and giggling, his heart slowing down significantly. Elliot knows they'll spot him if he doesn't rush out of the crowd but unfortunately for him, he's met with a girl with brown hair and a red solo cup. The girl rushes in front of him as he's almost out of the crowd, showing him her toothy smile, "Hey, you're Elliot Dawson right?"

"Kinda wish I wasn't," Elliot smiles back. He attempts to go around her, finally making it out of the crowd. However, the girl doesn't seem to understand and steps in front of him again, taking another sip of her drink. He raises a brow, shifting on his leg uncontrollably, "I'm sorry, are you lost?"

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