In a blink, I found myself inside a room with Chanyeol and another detective named Baekhyun. For the past hour, we exchanged information about Shilseuk and to say that they were shocked when they scrolled through my phone is an understatement. They already went through my laptop and all the reports I made for the suspect, Baekhyun hacked into it while they were waiting for me.

" Miss Han, all of these are more than enough to make Im Shilseuk pay for his crime, but are you sure you're alright? You don't have to be scared but... Why? Why did you let him to that? "

" To be honest, I've been asking myself the same thing. You see detective, I never knew that the authorities would believe me if I ever filed a case or go against him because I am too scared. He could hurt my friends and make me the bad guy any moment if I did that, I am scared. I tried telling myself that his conscience would convince him that he is wrong. But no, he only gets worse. That is all, detective Park. " things were running smoothly, until Baekhyun found a footage from a security camera of Sooyoung and I, running away from each other.

" Miss Han, may I ask, do you know where Park Sooyoung is now? Why were you running that night and who were you running from? " I was once again frozen in place, not a single word was uttered until I started crying. The pain from that night came back and this time, it suffocated me, alarming the detectives. They calmed me down while I thought how could I tell them what happened last night, at this point, my breathing was balanced.

I remembered that my recorder was on while Joy and I were out of the casino. I managed to save it before getting drugged and that became the strongest proof that Shilseuk did something to Sooyoung. The problem is how will they look for Joy when she doesn't want to be found and we had no idea where she could be hiding. She was a strong witness for the crime and so was I, I am one of the  victims myself anyways. Their eyes got bigger as the record went on and I saw how certain they were that Shilseuk had no escape. Last night, they tracked him down and found his location, he lurks somewhere in the outskirts of Seoul.

I was compelled to leave my phone with them for further investigation and that was how I left the room in a trance, bumping into Taeyong. He was still as strikingly handsome as always, dressed in a fine suit for work. He offered to lead me to their office, seeing that I wasn't in my right mind to go anywhere without supervision. Still stuck in trance, I nodded my head and he held my hand carefully as the elevator doors closed.

In a few, I met eyes that held nothing but genuine worry. I wanted to talk but my throat was too dry and speaking hurts. Left with no choice, I became silent and reserved again. I know how much they wanted to know what was happening but all I could do was look down and sigh. They dispersed when their telephone rang, Doyoung gestured that it was for me.

" Hey, Luna. How did it go? Is Shilseuk gonna be arrested now? How are you feeling? " it was Ineul and he was another person worrying for me.

" I'm umm fine, I guess. It went fine and they said they will finish the case, sorry but I'm not really in the mood to talk. "

" Oh, don't worry. I understand, I love you sis, bye. " all of my friends seem to get the gist of everything in my short responses and I was glad that they do. My hands trembled as I went back to the sofa I sat earlier and gazed upon the busy streets. Millions of thoughts swarmed my head and I stared far away again. I could feel myself melting into insanity. Why was I made as an angel if I were to function as a human? Is this what happens when you befriend a human being? Do they slice big chunks from your certainty of everything?

" Luna, I'm sorry for offending you last time. I didn't mean to say something like tha - "

Mark was speaking when our eyes met and right then and there, I broke the fuck down. The weight was just too much and I know too well that even with my wings, I wouldn't be able to lift myself. He held me in his arms so tight as I begged the heavens for a reason for the things that happened. My tears stained his suit and I remained immobile in the comfort of his hug. I cried the longest time in six years, he stroke my hair so softly and assured me that he will never leave me. I didn't realize that we took long and his hyungs were looking for him until Yuta came to fetch him.

" Luna, I'm sorry but we have a meeting and I'm badly needed. Can you wait here for a while? I promise to be back in no time. "

" Its f-fine. S-sorry for y-your suit, g-go ahead. " he looked conflicted for a second but he made a choice. I found myself missing the warmth of someone who used to be hostile to me, he contrasted himself, kinda funny. In no time, I felt suffocated again. My vision became more cloudy and my knees trembled. I pushed myself to at least make it downstairs and I did. The world spun around me and it was getting harder to breathe, I got lucky to have myself hail a cab successfully.

I reached my apartment with the heavy feeling replaced by numbness as water made its way through my throat. The make up did a good job in staying on my face despite the presence of tears, letting out a soulless chuckle at that fact. I felt empty that I couldn't even bring myself to change clothes and remove my shoes. All I did was sit silently and wallow in self-pity, waiting for Joy to come back. My hopes got crushed as the sun went invisible in the night sky and there were still no traces of Joy known to me.

Hours passed and nothing happened. I decided to fulfill my plans of getting wasted and headed to the convenience store for three bottles of soju. I figured that it would be useless to head to the casino since I was banned and all. It was a good thing that angels don't get hangovers in the morning, although we are sensitive to drugs. There was a lady in white long-sleeved fitted dress with six bottles of soju, extremely spicy ramen, and strawberry flavored yoghurt, all in a paper bag. That was me, getting out of the store after spending my money and ready to get drunk. Instead of heading home, I went to a park that was almost deserted. There were a few groups of humans and presumably angels in the area. I sat alone and far from everyone else as I opened the first bottle and gulped it in one go. The next thing would be the ramen that burned all the way through my esophagus, it was like eating a charcoal on fire.

Suspicious eyes were on me when I downed the fifth bottle of soju and started eating the yoghurt. It was a weird combination but it was what I craved at the moment. I transferred to a bench and people avoided me like a plague, not that I expected it. Just like that, I minded my business when security guards approached me. They seemed humans but they were grim reapers working at their posts, telling me someone was looking for me. Drunk enough, I followed them as they dragged me inside their car that made wee woo wee woo noises with flashy red and blue lights.

I thought I was getting kidnapped but the car stopped at a very familiar building. They assisted me inside but I kept on stumbling with the drunkenness. I closed my eyes and when I opened it, I was flying upwards with the help of the shiny metallic box that I was in, it had circles on the side with numbers on it. Another close and open of my eyes, I was inside a big room with glass walls that got me excited.

" Wow! Look at that! There are small cars down there and flashlights with colors. Am I a giant now? How come is the moon so small? Hey mister! Do you know that the moon follows you anywhere? "

" Luna! Where have you been? We've been so fucking worried. The detectives went to your place but you weren't there. Your friends didn't know where you went and everyone's getting crazy because of you! How could you be so careless in that state of mind? " why is this tall man shouting at me?

" Johnny, calm down. She's not sober for you to scold. Luna, you could've told us you wanted to drink, we could've watched over you. " red hair guy?

" Fuck. I'm sorry for leaving you alone, Luna. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to. " this guy just hugged me and he feels so soft, teddy bear. Many of them were still talking to me when my eyes closed while I was hugging my teddy bear.

I wonder when will my eyes open again?

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