Story 25 : The Traitor

Start from the beginning

And because Hanako is a Knight and Yashiro was a Royalty, their love was being forbidden by the many people.

Because the status is more important.

"Mama and Papa's story were complicated just like the stories that I tell?" He asked as the two of them responded.

"Your dad doesn't know how to give up so he fight's for mama's parents. He was indeed a great hero." Yashiro smiled but their son sighed.

Because he knows that his father is not having a good reputation inside the kingdom. So they all lived in the forest where everything is peaceful.

Yashiro was smart enough to become a physician. Aoi Akane and Akane Aoi seemed to support their lives so they even have a good relationship with some of the royalties.

But their life must remain to be hidden. Because all of the people knows that Hanako was being rumored that he killed Yashiro. He was called as a Knight of Traitors.

"As long as my family and I were living in a peaceful life. I am willing to become good and love my parents!" The boy exclaimed as he goes out from their room.

"I like Papa to become a villain in the story. Because if he become a hero, many people will admire him because of his great status. I only want him to look at me."

Yashiro can't help but to glare at Hanako. Because as years go by, their child seemed to be following his father's shoes.

"Why are you teaching him such things Hanako-Kun?" Yashiro asked as Hanako pinned her down from their bed.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yes! He's becoming like you! Look at him! He's being possessive too!" Yashiro exclaimed as Hanako pouted.

"My child supposed to become like me. If you want someone who can be like you... Then-" Hanako pointed her lips.

"Shall we make a deal?" He asked.

"NO!" She immediately replied because she knows the result. If that happen, then he'll get what he wants again.

Her face flushed in crimson red when Hanako started to kiss her neck as it goes down to her collar bone.

"H-Hngh~." Her sudden response makes Hanako pushed himself to towards to her.

"Shhh~" He silently looked at his Wife with a serious face. Yashiro can only shut her eyes so she can avoid the heated gaze that Hanako was giving to her.

"A-Ah~!!" Normal couples do this. Nothing is illegal between them.

"The first time we did this, we were illegally doing this." Hanako smirks.

"As if I become good to you. Am I?" He asked as he grabbed her wrist and started to kiss it. He licks her fingers with light licks as he sucked it and look at her.

"Am I a good Romeo to my Juliet?" He ripped her nightgown exposing her bare chest.

"Moan, My beloved Juliet."

"H-Ha-Hanako." Yashiro tried to pull back her hands as Hanako grabbed her, causing for her to be on top of him.

"Did I become a Prince Charming in Cinderella's life? He cupped her breast as Yashiro's eyes twitched in annoyance as she stop him.

"You're starting to ruin my image you little boy." Her personality suddenly switched as Hanako started to laugh.

That boyish attitude.

"You half lied to our little Prince." Hanako stated as Yashiro glared at him.

"Most of it was sexually done by-"

"I don't regret it though." Hanako grabbed her locks as he stared at the tips of her green highlights.

"I become obsessed towards to you." He kissed her hair.  

"Should I punish her highness for being such a liar to my Prince?"

"It is true that I become your Romeo. Not like in the story where he fights for Juliet. I kidnapped you and threatened your parents to a forced marriage. You didn't ended up being like Cinderella, your only struggle is to love me back so you become my maid when we lived in here. I was the Beast but it was true though..." Hanako tickled her belly that caused for his wife to laugh as she accidentally kissed him.

"And that laugh. You're physical appearance is not only a beauty. That laugh of yours is cute. But now... It sounds sexy." Hanako grinned.

"And that's only for me." He kissed her head.

"You are mine in a first place. After all, this Villain got what he wants."

𝕿𝖔𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖙-𝕭𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖓𝖆𝖐𝖔-𝖐𝖚𝖓 (𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓) Where stories live. Discover now