Untitled Part 2

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Listening to:  Lo Que Siento - Cuco

hello again!

i hadn't updated since the introductory chapter, so I decided to do one today!

I know these times can be scary with the coronavirus, but just know that you have me. Feel free to comment and tell me your worries.

It's been a month since I started taking my antidepressants, and within a week I'm gonna go to an appointment to evaluate how I did. I think that nothing changed too much, just that I'm able to talk to like employees when I go to the store and I don't get as shaky and sweaty as before.

My sister really helps with my problems and I never really realized it. She does her best to make sure I'm not panicking or getting anxious or scared. Whenever we go over to our grandparent's house, she usually gets my plate of food for me and brings it to the living room so I don't have to go to the kitchen, where there's usually a bunch of people. Thank you sister, uwu.

I lost about 20 pounds! I'm super proud of myself for finally doing something to help my weight problem. I hope to continue to healthily lose weight for the next years to come!

Well, that's all I have to share with you. Have a nice day!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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