Chapter 15

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It wasn't supposed to come to this.

Sam and Dean were supposed to figure it out on their own. They're the vessels of the apocalypse. That's not something they can just ignore. Sooner or later, they're going to have to let the archangels in to have their stupid little fight. The world falls apart, and then it brings itself back together, just like it always does. The longer they put it off, the longer people are going to get hurt -- the longer his brothers are going to get hurt.

There's no way Heaven and Hell haven't given them that ultimatum. There's no escaping this, so why do they even try? Why did they have to make this so much harder than it had to be? Why did they have to get Gabriel involved?

It wasn't an easy choice. He just wanted to sit it out and watch it happen. He knew since day one that it would suck -- and, once he started growing fond of Sam, he knew it would suck even more -- but it was destiny, and it was going to happen either way.

He could only watch his siblings fight amongst themselves for so long until he had to step in. He made a promise to Loki that he would stay out of his brothers' petty drama and he truly believed he could do it at the time, but millions of years have passed since then, and this is nothing like he had expected. He just wants them to hurry up. He's sure he can keep his identity to himself -- he's a supernatural being; there should be no surprise that he's been waiting for this, no matter who he is. If it goes well, Loki won't care. Their deal won't be broken. Everything will be fine.

So, TV Land was born.

Obviously he wants a front-row seat to its premier, so he hops in the body of one Dr. Ellen Piccolo. Honestly, he just wants a chance to slap Sam. For such a smart man, he can be such an idiot. He's been fighting against this apocalypse for far too long, and it's pissing Gabriel off. Dr. Piccolo is right, of course -- Sam really is a brilliant coward. He kept fighting destiny on the down-low. That's cowardice, plain and true.

But then there's his less personal vendetta -- though, albeit, against someone he doesn't like quite as much.

So that's why he shows up in his Dr. Sexy costume. What better way to make this a little more enjoyable than by watching Dean suffer? He can see the guy fangirling from the other side of the hallway, and he already knows this is going to be good.

"Doctor," Gabriel says to the more flustered of the Winchesters.

Dean barely even looks at him when he says, "Doctor."

Gabriel turns his attention to Sam. "Doctor."

Sam just kind of nods. He's not fighting this, exactly, but that's not good enough. Not fighting the apocalypse isn't going to solve anything -- succumbing to the apocalypse will. So, he decides to wait until Sam decides to play along -- which, fortunately, only takes a smack from Dean.

Gabriel turns his attention to the eldest Winchester, just to watch him squirm. "You want to give me one good reason why you defied my direct order to do the experimental face transplant on Mrs. Beale?"

"One reason?" Dean swallows hard.



It takes everything in Gabriel not to break character. This is priceless. He's definitely not letting Dean out of here with any of his dignity intact.

But then Dean's gaze drops to his feet, and Gabriel knows his cover has been blown. He expected him to notice eventually, but this was much quicker than he'd anticipated. It doesn't take long for him to find himself pinned up against a wall -- which, looking back on his past interactions with Dean, isn't entirely uncommon. Does he have any idea that Gabriel could literally throw him across the room without breaking a sweat?

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