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It was a warm day in leaffall and GaleClan's camp was quiet. Most cats were just enjoying the warmth of the sun, well knowing that it will soon be replaced by cold of the harsh leafbare.

Dapplebloom just picked up a vole from the fresh kill pile to then make her way towards the nursery. Inside were three kits waiting impatiently for their food.

"Hurry uuuuup!" Scorchkit was jumping up and down, yelling as loudly as her little kit voice allowed after dropping the moss ball out of her mouth. Dapplebloom cracked a smile at that, a light purr rising in her throat as Scorchkit's jumping made Petalwhisker wake up.

Drizzlekit was waiting quietly, but judging by the way her tail was shaking, she too couldn't wait for the food to arrive.

Duskkit however was laying down, rolling around in the sun lazily. A small yawn escaped her mouth as she stood up to greet Dapplebloom.

"Ready for your first try of vole?" The tortoiseshell questioned after putting the prey down in front of the three sisters.

Before anyone was able to react a shrill shriek cut through the quiet peace of the camp.

"Smokebreeze! Stormwatcher! Somebody come quick, Ambertalon is in danger!" It was the voice of Wildheart, the desperation clear in his voice.

Shortly after the red tom was seen dragging his father's body down the rocky path that leads into camp. By that time everyone had gathered around the center, questioning mumbles and cries of agony was all that could be heard.

"Quickly kits, go back into the nursery." Dapplebloom shooed the kits back into the nursery, not leaving time for any of them to protest.

She then quickly pushed her way through the crowd, ducking under those that were larger than her. Once she had reached the middle she froze.

The body of Ambertalon was laying there, motionless. His limbs stretched out at a crooked angle, seemingly broken. His eyes were wide with fear. But the worst of all was the deep gash going all the way through his throat. The blood had died his fur a deep red but there was no more of it coming out.

Dapplebloom had to look away.

She turned on her heel and headed back into the nursery in order to prevent the kits from seeing that.

Having reached the nursery, Dapplebloom was now watching Robinstar descend down in order to meet the Clan.

Cats parted sideways to make room for their leader. She walked up to the corpse with her head lowered. A shuttering breath was heard before she started speaking.

"Ambertalon why must you do this to me now.." a quiet mumble escaped the leader's lips. It was meant for nobody's ears but those who walk the stars.

" Cats of GaleClan", Robinstar addressed the whole Clan now, her voice loud and clear, " Ambertalon was...everything I could have asked for in a deputy. He was a friend, a mentor and a father", everyone's gazes turned to Wildheart who seemed to be in complete shock, " However. We must not let his death go in vain. We will find whoever is responsible for this and make sure they get what they deserve! Until then I want Wildheart to pick out a few cats to help bury Ambertalon. In the mean time I will decide who shall become the next deputy." With that the crowd scattered, Wildheart going off with Smokebreeze, Cloverflight and Owlwhisper to bury Ambertalon.

Dapplebloom decided to play with the kits to distract them and to prevent them from asking any questions who's answers they may not be ready to hear.

The sun had begun to set by the time Robinstar stepped out of her den again.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the High Ledge!" Her voice was as loud and clear as always, although if you listened closely you could her it shake a little towards the end.

Everyone quickly gathered together, quietly anticipating finding out who the next deputy was going to be.

Robinstar took a few moments to collect herself before starting : " Cats of GaleClan, I say these words in front of you and StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy is going to be..."

One could see two cats in particular getting ready to hear their name. Waspsting was being watched by a majority of her Clan mates as well. Some were also eyeing Snowshade as well, however the grey tom didn't seem nearly as convinced as Waspsting.


Within seconds all heads turned towards the nursery queen, followed by mumbles and whispers.

However it was Petalwhisker herself that spoke up first : "'s an honor...! It is a great honor to be named deputy. I promise to protect my Clan until my last breath, no matter how harsh things get." Her voice was shaky but her tone was dutiful. She made her way through the Clan until she reached the high ledge.

Robinstar jumped down and Petalwhisker bowed her head before looking at her Clan.

After the first shock was seemingly over the first cheers were heard, tiny kitten cheers yet they managed to cut through the silence and shortly after the whole Clan erupted into a cheer of joy.

"Long live Petalwhisker!"


Soooo that was the prologue of Wilds! It takes place around 3 moons before the main story starts so keep that in mind!
I'd love to know what you think, good or bad I appreciate both as I'm just a beginner.
Also my first time writing a prologue woops.
Last thing to consider is that English is not my first language so please point out any errors you find so that I can correct them! :)

Other than that, I'll try to upload the first chapter as soon as I can!~

Have a great day and stay inside folks

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