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the small boy walked onto the campus, his tall friend with him. yukhei is a few years older than him and is his voice.

renjun smiled at yukhei's joke and the two of them walked into the main building. they walked into renjun's first classroom and sat down. 

yukhei talked and would laugh at jokes renjun would sign out. teens slowly filled the lecture hall and renjun shook slightly.

yukhei wrapped his arm around renjun's shoulder and rubbed renjun's arm slightly. he calmed down, and watched as everyone entered the room. 

the professor walked in, closed the door and looked around."good morning,"he said,"today we have a new student. please stand up and introduce yourself,"he said.

renjun stood up and so did yukhei. renjun started to sign out his greeting and yukhei said it for him. 

they sat down again and the professor started his lecture. renjun took notes and as the hour and a half passed they were excused. 

renjun and yukhei left the lecture hall and yukhei ran to the bathroom saying he needed to pee. renjun sat on one of the benches in the courtyard till the older got back.

students that were in his first-class today were talking in their little groups, whispering to one another, once and a while throwing looks toward him. 

"do you think when the mute boy masturbates, he uses his other hand to moan," a boy said as he passed renjun. everyone around him laughed at it.

renjun looked up at the treetops as tears formed, blurring the world around him. evil laughter filled his ears and the tears started to run.

na jaemin, the campus throb heart walked by and his world seemed to slow down, the tear on the boy's face cascaded down slowly, shining in the sunlight. 

the boy's face held sadness, but his beauty was captivating. then a tall handsome man ran up to the boy, and pulled him close.

the boy blicked away the remaining tears as the other hugged him tightly. jaemin's world went back to normal as he passed by and continued to walk with his friends.

the boy's beauty didn't leave his mind though. he would never forget such an angel.

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