Deep-frosted cheerios

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Chase is doubled over on his bed, staring at his left hand. His hand and forearm are completely blue - icy.
Dark blue veins twist through his arm and his fingertips are almost purple.
He's shaking.
"I- chase, what the fuck?"

"I'm scared, Jaxon. I don't.. what's happening?"

"Fuck if i know, dude.. Is it still numb?"

He looks at me and I see sheer terror in his eyes.

"It feels like I could snap it off and not feel a thing." He murmurs, almost inaudible.


"Yeah" He whispers. Turning his gase back towards his hand, concern twisting his features.

I look at him in a gutwrenching mixture of intrigue, astonishment and fear. I want to touch it but I don't know what will happen.

"Chase.. you look like you've been bitten by a radioactive snowflake."

"Fuck off Jax, this is serious."

"I know, I know."

I pause.

"Chase, where's your mother?"

He thinks.

"She's been gone for a couple days. Some business trip in Tokyo I think."

"And your dad..?"

"Dude. You know I've not seen him in years."

"I meant David."

I stop and smile

"But at least we know if William comes back you'll have some milk!"

He snorts. "Twat."

"Correct. That's why we're friends."

He grunts in agreement. He hasn't looked up from his hand. Lines of worry snake their way across his face.

"Jaxon, what happens if we can't fix this..?"

"I don't know, man. I really don't."
I chew my lower lip, deep in thought.

"Does it.. react with anything?"

I ask suddenly

"The fuck do you mean by that?"

"I have an idea. I'll be right back."

I run downstairs and rummage through his kitchen. I'm looking for something in particular. Something very important.
Aaaand. Gotcha.
I sprint back upstairs and stand before Chase with the most important thing I have ever held in my life.

"..a bowl of fucking cheerios dude? Im not about to try and deep frost your cereal."

"I skipped breakfast dude, I'm hungry. I need my brain food. Now that I think about it though, that's genius!"

I look around the room for any sort of liquid.
Booyah. A stale glass of water.
I walk over and pick it up, then place it on the table in front of Chase, munching my cheerios thoughtfully.

Chase's forehead creases in confusion. He looks at me inquisitively, waiting for instruction.

"Dip your finger in it"

"Are you on drugs?"

"Just do it for fucks sake."

He rolls his eyes and clumsily puts his little finger in the glass of water, a bored expression on his face.

Nothing happens for a good 12 seconds.

"I look like a twat."

Chase takes his finger out of the water..

And I nearly drop my cheerios.


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