My "Mate"*

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"Why are you sorry?" I ask.

"I...I don't think I can help you with this, Sis... why did it have to be him?" He says, pacing the floor.

"That is not a flippin' answer, Uriah!" I yell.

"You need to be in the meeting tomorrow." He continues not even looking at me. "Why him?"

"Stop it NOW!" I yell, jumping up and stopping him. "Who is he!?"

Uri looks at me worry painting his face. He rubs the back of his neck. "Mini..." he says and trails off. "His name is Xander Brian Rockwell soon to be Alpha of the Black Water Pack."




It can't be!

"Marie... Marie!?... are you ok?" Uri asks as I sit stunned.

"What is he going to do with me?" I ask.

"I don't know, sis... but you're his now." He says.

"No! Maybe it didn't take! I mean, I ripped a chunk out of his shoulder that is not exactly a mark!" I reason. "Maybe it didn't count!"

"Mini... ok, maybe... let's test it." He suggests.

"How?" I ask.

"Link him." Uri says.

"But I can't..." I start.

"If you are mated, you can... and the link will be exceptionally strong since you haven't... umm... completed the process." He cuts me off.

"Ok, fine, I'll try!" I yell, just wanting to shut him up. "Give me a sec."

I take a breath and focus on him.

"Hello?...ummm Xander?" I ask.

"Ahhh, my little mate speaks!" His voice fills my mind. I gasp and pull my mind out of the link without a response. I can feel his emotions. He is loving this!

"No, no, no, no, No!" I yell.

"I guess that means the mark took." Uri says. I nod.

"I... I can't even shift... my wolf is still blocked... I'm broken... what if?... what if he kills me. It's the only way to break the bond, right?" I ramble.

"I don't know, sis...he could... I can't fight them. They are too strong. They outnumber us 10 to 1 at least... I just don't know." Uri says, talking more to himself than me.

"What's your name, little one?" I hear Xander's voice again..."What's wrong? Why are you scared? Is someone hurting you? I'm gonna..." I cut him off.

"I'm fine... why do you care?" I link.

"You're mine!" He growls through the link.

I don't respond. I don't know what to say.  He can't be this protective over me! He doesn't even know me!

"So, what's your name?" He asks.

"Marie.... but everyone calls me Mini." I answer. I feel him laugh.

"Nice to meet you, Mini." He says.

"Go to bed." Uri tells me, bringing me back to reality.

"Umm... ok." I say and head toward my room.

"Be ready at 7am. The meeting is at 8." He orders.

"Yes, sir!" I chuckle, and he rolls his eyes.

I go into my room and lay in bed. What is going to happen? I don't want to leave with him, but I don't want to die either. This is all his call. I have no say. He's a flippin' Alpha! How could I be so unlucky!

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