"He's not a Space RangER! He doesn't fight evil or or shoot lasers or fly!." replied Woody,

"Excuse me." said Buzz,

Buzz calmly hits a button and wings pop out.

Again the toys GASP IN AWE.

"Oh, impressive wingspan! Very good!." replied Hamm,

"Oh, what?! What?! These are plastic. He can't fly!." said Woody,

"They are a trillium-carbonic alloy, and I can fly." replied Buzz,

"No, you can't." said Woody,

"Yes, I can." replied Buzz,

"You can't." said Woody,

"Can." replied Buzz,

"Can't. Can't. Can't!." said Woody,

"I tell you, I could fly around this room with my eyes closed!." replied Buzz,

"Okay, then, Mr. Light Beer, prove it." said Woody,

"All right, then, I will. (to toys) Stand back, everyone!." replied Buzz,

The crowd of toys make room for Buzz as he heads toward the edge of the bed and climbs up the bedpost. He poses like a high diver, shuts his eyes...

"I bet he can't really fly." said Opal,

"To infinity... AND BEYOND!!." replied Buzz,

...and leaps off the bed.

Buzz plummets straight down, hits a big rubber ball and bounces right back up.

He then lands on a Hotwheels car, which races him down the track, through the loop, and off a ramp. Buzz soars upward into a plane mobile hanging from the ceiling.

Buzz becomes wedged between the plane's wheels. The impact turns on the PLANE'S MOTOR making it (and Buzz) spin around and around.

All the other toys watch from the bed, mesmerized.

Finally, the centrifugal force causes Buzz to separate from the plane, sailing him across the room toward the bed.

Buzz makes a perfect landing right in front of Woody and then opens his eyes.

"Well that was okay I guess." said Opal,

"...can!." replied Buzz,


"WHOA!! Oh, wow, you flew (Mr. Potato Head whistles) magnificently!." said Rex,

"I found my moving' buddy." replied Bo Peep,

"Thank you. Th-Thank you all. Thank you." said Buzz,

"I still don't have a moving buddy oh well." replied Opal,

"That wasn't flying! That was... falling with style." said Woody,

"Man, the dolls must really go for you. (aside) Can you teach me that?." replied Mr.Potatohead,

Woody stands alone at the other end of the bed, fuming. Slinky, caught up in the euphoria, approaches Woody.

"Heh, heh, heh! Golly bob howdy!." said Slinky, (He says that all the time.)

"Oh, shut up! (All the toys chattered.) You know, in a couple of days, everything will be just the way it was. They'll see. They'll see. I'm still Andy's favorite toy." said Woody,


SONG: STRANGE THINGS plays over montage.


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