Chapter 23: Picking Petals Off of Flowers

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*Spencer's POV*

"Welcome back to the lake house guys!" I shout as my friends pull up in their cars. I run up to them and give them all a hug. Aria is the only one who doesn't hug back - she just awkwardly pats me on the back. Great. We hadn't spoken since the wedding and had not even spoken about that night... She didn't answer any of my texts or calls. I figured she would need space but now its been two months and still nothing. I also have no clue anymore how I feel about this. Was it just a one time thing or do I really have feelings for her?

"Thanks again Spence for letting us use your lake house" Ali starts

"And getting here before us to set up!" Hanna chimes in

"No problem - I needed to leave DC anyways, it's been a lot lately" I huff

"Fair enough" Emily nods understandingly

"Where's Jason?" I ask Ali suddenly noticing our brother isn't here 

"Oh his new girlfriend planned a surprise birthday trip for him to Europe and they left last night sorry I forgot to mention" 

"Oh that's fine" I look at the small brunette and I see a hint of sadness cross over her face. When they broke up, I was the first to know. She'd called me in tears. She said the distance had been too much but she hoped in the future when she was done with college they would find their way back. They hadn't and it clearly killed her. I guess I'm happy he's not here. Hopefully, her and I can finally figure out whatever happened. 

"So what are the sleeping arrangements then?" Caleb asks as we enter the lake house.

"Well my parents have converted the loft into a master bedroom with an ensuite. So that means there's two ensuite masters so I guess the two couples get them?" I shrug

"Sweet!" Noel and Caleb high-five over Cece and Han who fist bump

"I almost forgot what children you guys are about these rooms!" I chuckle rolling my eyes "Right so that leaves three more bedrooms - so who is bunking with whom?" I look at the other 3 girls

"I'll bunk with Alison!" Aria chirps immediately

"Sounds good with me" Alison nods approvingly

"Fine by me, means I get a bed to myself" Em shrugs

"Yeah um sounds good" I acquiesce as everyone heads up to their rooms to drop their stuff. I follow Em to her room "Hey Emily"

"Hey" she answers back as she opens her suitcase and starts to put things away

"Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure - what about?"

"Ummm..." I look behind me and close the door a little "about having feelings... for a girl..."

Emily's eyes go wide "Um-wait-what-but how-" she takes a deep breath "Sorry, that's not helpful. But yes, what's up?"

"So um at the wedding, I slept with someone, a girl. And she's really great and I really like her. I only ever saw her as a friend but something changed that week and I couldn't get her off my mind and then it happened. And like we haven't spoken about it since and I'm so worried our friendship is ruined and I've made things weird and also I don't know how I feel about it-"

"Spence, breathe!" Emily interrupts me grabbing me by the shoulders "Ok so given it was a friend who was at the wedding and I know it wasn't me or Ali or Hanna or Cece I'm going to go for a wild guess and say you slept with Aria?" she raises her eyebrow at me

"Hey! I have other friends that were at the wedding!" I protest. Em gives me a 'really?' look and I huff sitting down in the chair beside the dresser. "Fine... Yes. I slept with Aria. But this is the thing she woke up so panicked about it and she ran out of my room and she just hasn't spoken to me since..."

"Spence... I'm so sorry... I had no idea"

"Don't be. You've done nothing wrong."

"Ok then, how do you feel? Now, about her?" Emily folds her arms across her chest and stares at me

"I honestly don't know" I answer as I put my head in my hands "I mean she's amazing and you know I care for her but not hearing from her in these two months means I've not been able to clear anything up. I just I miss her. I love her. But I can't tell if it's more than friends or if you know it was a thing and it happened... I just don't know!" I exasperate getting up from the chair pacing around the room.

*Aria's POV*

I was just about to knock on Em's door to ask her for advice when I heard her doing the same thing.

"Ok then, how do you feel? Now, about her?" I hear Emily ask

"I honestly don't know" her voice sounds frustrated. I mean it's Spencer. Anything she doesn't know frustrates her, even when it came to matters of the heart "I mean she's amazing and you know I care for her but not hearing from her in these two months means I've not been able to clear anything up. I just I miss her. I love her. But I can't tell if it's more than friends or if you know it was a thing and it happened... I just don't know!" 

Oh fuck... I don't want to hear more. Clearly neither of us know what the fuck happened that night and I need to woman up and talk to her about it. I can't just leave it undiscussed. 

The few memories I had of that night were great and I remember feeling so alive at her touch, but I also remember being so drunk. There's no way to tell if it was the general buzz of intoxication or if it was her. I mean so much happened the day after, I could easily ignore her and push everything aside. I had tried to think about it over the past few months. But my conclusion was always the same. Spencer is Spencer. She's my friend. Sure she's gorgeous, smart and brave, and I know she'll always have my back but this attraction, it's most likely friendly admiration. I mean my friends are all such badass people, it's hard not to have some form of attraction to them. 

I honestly have no fucking clue. I was drunk. The sex was great. She is great. But does that have to mean anything other than one great night of sex? 

Right. I guess this is happening then. Time to find out how the fuck I feel about my best friend. This will totally be easy and not make this relaxing trip awkward or anything. 



Hello I know you'll be slightly gutted by this chapter - but need to address the Sparia hookup. I'm working to get two new chapters out quick to make up for this one but don't want to do a bad job.

Also let me know what are your thoughts for Sparia - yay or nay?

Hope you had a nice holiday weekend 


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