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calum let the brunette out, who's name paid no importance. he had gotten what he needed, and that's all that mattered.

he stumbled into ashton's room, pulling on his pants as he did so. the older male looked startled to see calum, but he relaxed when he realized it was just his roommate. before ashton began to speak, calum cut him off.

"the girl? old friend of luke’s. said his mom died awhile back, brain cancer. dad od'd on advil, couldn't take the pain without her or some romantic bullshit. anyway, all family ties are through his brothers, but one's in the force and the other's some middle class joe. the only person we'll have trouble with is his roommate, michael. you may remember him, class of twelve. barely got out, now he's high off pills or acid all the time, but crazy good with computers and shit. job as a mechanic down at his uncle's shop -- healy's? anyway, if we do decide to trash him, it won't be hard to cover up." calum wore the smallest smile, crossing his arms over his chest. he was more than satisfied with his findings, he was delighted. all he needed now was ashton's approval.

nodding, ashton faced his wall of targets again, eyes focused on the picture of luke. he was handsome, that's for sure, but calum had to remind himself to not let either him or ashton get feelings. they had both suffered from that.

their first target, a family friend of ashton’s got through the first heist before cracking. she said she wasn't made to steal from innocent people. when ashton had tried to tell her they were far from innocent, and she argued, he got so angry, he purposefully drew out her death for as long as possible. nicole died of blood loss after having nine bullets in the stomach.

the second was a man a few years older than them, when they were nineteen at the time. calum had had art classes with him at the university, and as he was studying with senior's, zayn instantly was attracted to him. the foreign student, traveling abroad from italy to expand his horizons, wouldn't leave calum alone. trust was evident in the first hour alone, which led the younger to assume zayn was a perfect candidate. he was okay up until he had been forced to kill a shop owner. threatening to turn luke and calum into the police, he was killed. waste of a good artist.

ashley, an aspiring musician, was their third target. after calum's trauma from zayn, and ashton's from nicole, they had agreed to find interesting looking people off the streets, and then see if they may work for the job. ashley was strong, intelligent and attractive, which were key traits in the pair's search for accomplices. afraid of the government finding her, as she had a past with drug dealing, she had acquired the name halsey, and a knack for destraction. after a particularly bad robbery, where they had plowed through nearly a dozen bodies left cold on the ground, and fleets of news reporters barely missed them leaving, halsey watched her name flash across the tv screen, and was assured by ashton that they would be okay.

a fling between them had made it hard for ashton to hold the gun to her head when she finally declared she wanted to leave the operation. calum was the one to leave her lifeless as ashton sobbed in his car.

after halsey, they composed a list of targets, some having slight connections,  others completely chosen from clicking through dozens of facebook profiles. it was the weakest factor of the equation, but the fine line between too much and too little trust had to be perfectly set. this process would ensure they could pull off their grand scheme.

calum strode closer towards ashton, hands hesitantly hovering over the curly haired boy's shoulder. he took a breath, and spoke.

"ashton, come on. who knows, he might pull through. luke could be the one." calum's soft tone ghosted over the silent boy, who exhaled at his comments.

"i just need this to work."


another rlly short update bcus my muse has been lacking lately so im sorry if this sucks !! ilysm tho i cant stress tht enough :~)

robbers ✖ lashton [ hiatus ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora