Chapter 2- Strength

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Jayje left a couple hours ago for the press conference in which I was lucky enough to find on the TV. It soothed me to stay updated with the teams status always, even when I was away in London I would frequently ask Jayje about the team. Everything from work to drama because any thing to feel closer to them was a win in my book. Even just tonight as I watched the conference I swear Jayje was talking directly to me.

I was relieved at the sudden moment when my favorite red head came shuffling through the door with a personalized care package in her arms. "Oh, princess you're up! Just in time." Penelope excitedly exclaimed as she sat the box on the hospital bed.

"Garcia," I say a bit taken back by her gift. "You shouldn't have, I'm leaving tomorrow." I innocently inform her, not once glancing towards the gift. To see Penelope alive and safe was always a gift on its own.

"Which is why I got you stuff you can do after being released." She beams happily back at me, encouraging me to look through the contents.

There were two really beautiful, expensive looking wine bottles in the corner, a new comfortable maroon-red robe at the bottom, some chocolates and popcorn packages in another corner, a pair of new socks and a blanket made up the second level in the box, and in the dead middle laid a customized Kilgore Trout bobble head. My heart immediately fluttered at the sight, if there was ever a time to believe in love at first sight, it'd be now.

My eyes locking with Gracie's in a heartbeat. "Oh Garcie, this, this is just amazing. How did you find this?" Utterly in disbelief, I mean it's got to be a dream right?

"I just did what I do best and personalized." She shrugged it off, although a sappy grin still etched on her lips triumphantly at her choice. I beam her a truly appreciative expression as I couldn't express my gratitude verbally. Sometimes looks are more meaningful than words. Even if looks are all it is. "We're gonna have a girls night at your place as soon as your feeling better." She informs me, her heart already settled on it.

"Okay," I agree simply through a evident smile.

I sent out the smile to the rest of the team, silently thanking them for being here. The idea of not having my family by my side during this is scary. During everything that has happened lately, I feel complete when I'm with them. I mean, I see the team more than I see my own bed.

"How are you feeling?" Hotch asked through a barely visible smile. It's pretty much all he gives and therefore, I've learned to take it as it comes.

"I'm good, there's a sharp pain in my shoulder but it's tolerable." I confess although brushing it off with a one sided shrug, ideally the side that doesn't have a hole in it.

"You know you're gonna have to take it easy before you come back to work. You need you're rest more than the rest of us." Hotch informs me procedurally, but I could here the underlying care in his sentence, warming my heart.

"I know and I will." I assure him wholeheartedly. As it grows more and more evident, working while you're still suppressing a wound is not effective. "Speaking of work, I'm so glad you guys caught Drysdale." I add on proudly.

"I wish you didn't get shot in the process, but I'm glad we got him too." Morgan adds on sincerely as he gives my hand a light squeeze.

I squeeze back in acceptance before his hand slips away at the introduction of a new voice. "Hey, just letting you know that our visiting hours end at 9 and start back up again at 8." The nurse informs quickly before disappearing from view.

"But we just got here." Garcia points out disappointed as she looks to the rest of the team for support.

"Well come back tomorrow, but she needs her rest." Hotch insist collectively as he encourages the team to head out.

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