2. The Diamond Village

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I woke up in this strange place that I have never seen before I'm pretty sure that it isn't even humankind. As I stand up from what looks like a hospital bed, the nurse comes in. "Sir, you shouldn't be standing up, you should be resting." I told her that I was perfectly fine and that I didn't know where I was and she looked at me confused like I just told her a super confusing story. "Excuse but where exactly am I?" "What do you mean this is Diamond Village the birthplace of our Diamond Keeper." said the nurse while looking at me like duh. I was even more confused than before then I asked her. "Umm...who is the Diamond Keeper?" She looked at me shocked. "You dont know the Diamond Keeper, everyone knows him." "Excuse me, him?" I asked. "Yes, our Diamond Keeper is -" she all of a sudden stopped talking and loom at my neck and gasped. "Your necklace." She said. "Oh yeah, what about it?" I asked. She looked like she was gonna start crying. "The Diamond Keeper has been found, The Diamond Keeper has been found!" She yelled as she grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the hospital room and into the lobby to tell everyone.

Everyone races to the lobby to find me and my diamond necklace. The nurses and doctors starts cheering and celebrating. I was very confused on what was happening. I didn't know if I should ask what is going on? But before I could I overheard one of the doctors say "I can finally get my family back!" Another said "I can finally get everything back and things will go back to normal." Then I finally asked. "EXCUSE ME! But what do you mean by you'll get everything back and things will go back to normal?" Everyone looked at me in shocked and everyone made a path for a woman to walk through, she cam up to me and asked me. "Is your name Kim Taehyung?" She said in a very shaky voice. "Yes." I was confused on how she knew my whole name. Then she smiled at me and told me to come with her and me not knowing what to do or where to go, I followed her out the hospital and into the woods. As we kept walking she told me. "I thought I told your mother to stay away from that park." I looked at her super confused. "My mother? How do you know my mother?" I asked. She said something that had shocked and made me remember the stories my mother told me as a kid. "She still has told you has she?" Then I was hit with a flashback.

"Eomma can you tell me the story of the Magical Diamond?" said little Taehyung "Of course my TaeTae."
"Once a upon a time, there lived a prince named Tae-jin, he was also known as the diamond keeper. He protected the diamond from all danger at all costs. Now this prince had a secret but nobody knows what it is. Only the prince did. One day the prince had a nightmare about the diamond being shatter in millions of pieces. And then when he woke up the diamond was gone and there was no sign of it, the townspeople got angry at the prince and had him and the queen executed. So the kingdom was queen-less. There was no royal family to rule over Diamond Village. So everything went into chaos and it's been like that ever since. The End for now." She said as she finished the story.  "Eomma do you think the story will get better and end with a happy ending?" said little Taehyung. His mother told him that "If only the Diamond keeper could protect the diamond but they say that the diamond is somewhere among the trees and that if one lucky person is to find it they become the new king or queen of Diamond Village."

nd of Flashback

The old woman did not look happy when I told her what my mom told me. She said " Wow, that's what she told you, a prince? Okay, well sorry to break it to you but the PRINCE is a actually a princess and she wasn't executed she ran away and hid the diamond somewhere because she didn't feel like she could take on the responsibility of the diamond keeper and being the princess of Diamond Village." I couldn't believe that my mother would tell me a false story. I asked her "But how does this have anything to do with you knowing my mother?" She pulled out a locket like looked like my mother's and she opened it and there was a picture of a younger woman and young man and three beautiful children and dog that kinda looks like Yeontan. "That's a beautiful locket and a beautiful picture of a family but whose family is this?" I asked. She responded with tears forming in her eyes. "This is my family, that I lost a long time ago. This woman is me when I was younger, this little girl is my youngest daughter (Tae's mother) is your mother, the girl next to her is her older sister Kim Ara, and the oldest their brother Kim Baek-Hyeon and our dog Bora." Taehyung asked "Whose the man?" She sighed and said "That's my husband Kim Tae-Hyung." Taehyung was shocked when she said his name and said "But that's my name." The woman explained to him that his name and her husband's name are spelled differently and he understood. But what he didn't know was that man's name and his name meaning had a story behind it that explains why Taehyung and Tae-Hyung have the same name.

Hi guys,
I hope you enjoyed Chapter 2 of His Truth
Keep on reading to find out what happened next.
Bye lysm 😘💜
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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